23 Fall Teaching Institute Registration

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Program Info
Project Scientist is an education nonprofit that provides high quality education experiences in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) to girls from marginalized and underserved communities. Project Scientist’s Teaching Institute is an initiative by teachers for teachers to provide hands-on training and strategies on how to create an equitable, culturally responsive, empowering learning environment for all students.

Join our Fall Teaching Institute workshop series to grow your STEAM teaching skills and help build your students’ confidence. This one-of-a-kind experience is provided to educators and NO COST due to the generosity of Takeda and Cargill. Register by filling out the form below.
Personal Info
Mailing Address

Supported by: 
Teaching Institute Info

Workshop details will be provided upon selection:
November Workshop Info

Lesley University's STEAM Learning Lab leaders and professors will share methods for culturally responsive math teaching. Through hands-on instruction and collaborative engagement, you will experience the intersection of mathematical thinking, creativity, culture, and identity. Our workshop will address age and grade-appropriate mathematical concepts such as shapes, patterns, fractions, and place value in the elementary grades and proportional and multiplicative reasoning in the middle grades.

University of Southern California (USC) Address: 801 W 34th St. Los Angeles California
Dates:  11/18/23
Time:  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PT

If you will be attending in person, you will receive a $150 stipend for your attendance.

Enter one numeric value ONLY!

Professional Experience

School Info
Please enter your school info below

                                                                  Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are intended to keep students safe and make Project Scientist Programs positive and productive. By purchasing, using, or allowing your student to use any of Project Scientist Programs, you agree that you and your student will abide and be bound by these terms and conditions. 


I. Code of Conduct

I agree that I have read through, understand, and agree that I and my student will be held to the Code of Conduct set forth below. I also agree that I have reviewed the Code of Conduct with my student. I understand that I and my student must act in a way that is in keeping with the Code of Conduct and that my student’s Project Scientist product can be canceled if either of our actions or attitudes seem to be harmful to the atmosphere, to my student, other participants, or staff, in the opinion of Project Scientist staff. I and my student understand that Project Scientist reserves the right to cancel my student’s Project Scientist product without any prior warning for violating any of the terms of the Code of Conduct. I also acknowledge that upon staff observation of my student during an Project Scientist Program, they may determine that the program is not a suitable and/or productive environment for my student. In this case, Project Scientist may cancel all remaining programs for the student. Project Scientist strives to maintain excellent relationships with students. However, in some rare cases, Project Scientist Programs may not be a compatible environment for every student.


Our commitment to keeping the young people we serve safe is always our number one priority. Project Scientist will actively monitor member activity and will make every effort to protect and redirect members. Further,  all activities online must comply with Project Scientist’s safety policies,  including our amended virtual safety policies below.   

Students and Parents/Guardians May NEVER:

1.    Engage in or threaten violence;

2.    Bully, intimidate, or harass others;

3.    Use this service, or materials provided as part of this service for illegal or immoral activity;

4.    Use inappropriate language;

5.    Share lesson information with third-parties, without permission from instructor;

6.    Impersonate another person;

7.    Publicly display lesson(s);

8.    Sexually harass others;

9.    Display pornography or any inappropriate material (including sexual content, inappropriate violence, racism, bullying, etc.) during lessons; or

10. Personally contact instructors outside of lessons.

 Students and Parents/Guardians MUST:

1.  Abide by the rules and regulations of the instructor and Project Scientist;

2.    Attend lessons in an appropriate, private setting;

3.    Dress appropriately during lessons;

4.    Adhere to the terms of use of Project Scientist Virtual Lab Policy and Procedures, any sites used, including following the specified age policies; and

5.    Only share material that is related to lessons, and appropriate.


Online Bullying Policy:        

Project Scientist staff shall establish member safety as a high priority and shall not tolerate bullying and or cyberbully of any member. If a member’s behavior involves but is not limited to: harassing communications, threats, verbal altercations, harmful texts, use of internet images, social media, uses racial slurs, then that member will be suspended from the virtual program. This is a no bullying tolerance policy. When cyber bullying occurs individuals with information are highly encouraged to contact Project Scientist and save any electronic or digital message, they feel constitutes cyberbullying to help resolve the incident.  Please reach out to info@projectscientist.org. 


Technology Conduct: 

Misuse of sharing with non- members, posting on social media platforms, any links, access codes, or virtual meetings will result in immediate suspension from the program. Showing inappropriate content to other viewers while you're participating in Zoom, Google Classroom, or other platforms used by Project Scientist Program, may result in disciplinary action and will not be able to continue Project Scientist Programs. Misuse includes but is not limited to sharing links, access codes, photographing, taking screenshots of members, staff, sending inappropriate emails, sending inappropriate texts, videos, etc. 


II. Project Scientist Programs

Project Scientist Programs

- Courses are run on a set calendar (fixed dates and times) 

- Project Scientist Programs are closed two weeks prior to the start of the first session.  

- Only students registered for the course may participate, outside those portions of the programming where family participation is welcomed. 

- Programming is only available for subjects set out by Project Scientist. 

- Project Scientist has the right to refuse service.

- Our Project Scientist staff, guide students through panel discussions, lessons, and a series of small projects with student participation and self-directed learning encouraged. However, no specific outcomes are promised or guaranteed. Project Scientist is not responsible for any specific outcome, or lack thereof.

 III. Contacting Instructor and Staff Code of Ethics: 

Students and parents/guardians should be aware that under no circumstances should students give their personal contact information to staff, nor is staff allowed to give students or parents/guardians their personal contact information. Other than during the lessons, Staff is not permitted to communicate privately with, give out personal contact info to, or become social media friends with students. All parent contact should run directly through Project Scientist HQ Staff. Project Scientist’s organization policy, and Code of Ethics, prohibits our staff to accept paid/contractual/unpaid services with Project Scientist parents for their children.


IV. Image and Likeness Release

As a condition of participation in a Project Scientist Program, I authorize that photos, videos, images, audio and testimonials may be taken of me and my student and agree that said content may be used by Project Scientist in promotional materials, marketing collateral, and online media. These images, testimonials, photos, videos, and audio may be shared and used by corporate partners, the media, or other organizations who work with Project Scientist. I understand that Project Scientist, its owners, agents, partners, facility providers, and employees will not be held liable for damages and injuries associated with said publishing, including any and all claims based on negligence. I agree that all images, testimonials, photos, video, and audio taken at or in connection with Project Scientist are the sole and exclusive property of Project Scientist. To consent to your child’s participation, simply indicate “Yes” below.


V. Research Participation

To inform national research and best practices in STEM for girls, Project Scientist partners with research councils and universities to conduct research. In all practices, participants are informed of their participation. A pseudonym (an alias) is used for all participants in research and any publication resulting from this research and/or study will use that alias instead of a real name. The risk to the girls’ physical, emotional, social, professional, or financial well-being is considered to be less than minimal. Together, the parts of this research have the potential to show how Project Scientist and similar programs might inspire girls to like science and to pursue careers in science fields more frequently. Participation is voluntary. Questions about the research are encouraged. Refusal to take part in the study involves no penalty or loss of benefits to which participants are otherwise entitled, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled. Parents who consent to allow their daughter to inform research and later decide to withdraw, must submit, in written form, a letter to Project Scientist indicating the desire to withdraw from Research. To consent to your child’s participation, simply indicate “Yes” below.

Acknowledgement and Signature

I have been informed of and I understand the various aspects of the Project Scientist Program. I have read and understand the Project Scientist Code of Conduct, Project Scientist Programs, the Image and Likeness Release, and the Research Participation. I understand and agree that my minor child will engage in activities which may pose a risk of harm. I affirm my agreement to the release and waiver for participation set forth above through my signature hereon.  

This Release and Waiver Agreement shall be construed to be as comprehensive as is allowed by law. Each provision herein is severable, so that should any provision or portion of such provision be held invalid, the remainder of this Release and Waiver Agreement shall not affect the enforceability of any other portion. This Release and Waiver Agreement shall not establish a legal or other relationship between or among those released which does not in fact exist. Nothing in this Release and Waiver Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any legal defense available to any released party herein, including sovereign immunity.

The validity, interpretation, and effect of the Release and Waiver Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the States of California, North Carolina, New York and Minnesota.