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Child Information
*We only use this info to uniquely identify your child in our database

Please note that this information will be used to improve the equity of program experiences for all students.

Please note this information will not alter the program for your child. It will be used to improve program experiences for all students in the future.

Start typing the name of your child's school or your city. When the name appears, select it from the dropdown. If you do not see your child's school, select "Other".

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Parent / Guardian Information
IMPORTANT: Please provide an accurate email address so that you can receive digital programming rewards if your child is eligible

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Agreement to have Springboard Use Your Child's Image, Audio and First Name
Sometimes we request photos of teachers and students in action to show our program at work! In a virtual world, photos might include a screenshot of a zoom class or of a celebration at the end of the program. In person photos might include students reading independently, with their parents or with their teachers. These photos are usually used for data reporting, future funders and/or for promotional materials about Springboard. The only identifying information would be the child's first name but nothing else (i.e. not their last name, address, etc.).
Agreement for Springboard to Text You
Agreement for Data Use
Similar to the media release, school partners and funders typically ask for reports from previous partnerships to see how it went. The data we share is never identifying individual students; rather it includes demographic information about them, such as grade, ethnicity, gender and assessment data/reading level if available. This information would never identify a child like "John Brown at School ABC has an IEP and is reading on a level G." Rather, it could sound like "John, a 3rd grade boy, grew from a Level G to a Level P in F&P after completing Springboard this spring." It could be even more broad like "x% of Hispanic students attended Springboard programming at School ABC."
Similar to the media release, school partners and funders typically ask for reports from previous partnerships to see how it went. The data we share is never identifying individual students; rather it includes demographic information about them, such as grade, ethnicity, gender and assessment data/reading level if available. This information would never identify a child like "John Brown at School ABC has an IEP and is reading on a level G." Rather, it could sound like "John, a 3rd grade boy, grew from a Level G to a Level P in F&P after completing Springboard this spring." It could be even more broad like "x% of Hispanic students attended Springboard programming at School ABC."
Parent Agreement

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Información básica del estudiante

Tenga en cuenta que esta información se utilizará para mejorar la equidad de las experiencias del programa para todos los estudiantes.

Empiece a teclear el nombre de la escuela de su hijo, o de su ciudad. Cuando aparece el nombre, selecciónelo del desplegable. Si no ve el nombre de la escuela de su hijo, seleccione "Other".

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Información de padre/tutor
IMPORTANTE: Por favor, proporcione un email correcto para que pueda recibir recompensas digitales de programación si su hijo es elegible.

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Acuerdo a que Springboard Use la Imagen, el Audio y el Nombre de Pila de su Hijo
Acuerdo para Recibir Mensajes de Texto de Springboard
Acuerdo de Uso de Datos
Acuerdo de Padre