What if you wanted a way to explore your future in Memphis at absolutely ZERO cost? That’s where we come in. Join New Memphis as we present the 2024 Summer Experience! This free series of events spanning June and July crafts unique experiences that are perfect for current college students, recent grads, and interns just like you!

Explore future possibilities and discover the magic of the 901 as you mix and mingle with fellow Memphians and learn more about yourself and why this city is the perfect counterpart to help you achieve your dream future.

 The best part? It's all FREE! Register for any and all of the events below!


Tell us a little about you and how we can keep in touch!

10 number format without punctuation i.e. 5551231234

Please provide the full name, i.e. Illinois State University, not "ISU"


Demographic information helps us better understand the audience we serve.  If you do not wish to answer these questions, please select "Prefer not to answer."

If you went to high school in Shelby County, TN, please answer Yes.

Kickoff rectangle.SE 2024
Calling all college students and summer interns! You are invited to kick off your summer experience in Memphis in style. Hosted at one of Memphis' hottest Downtown locations, you will learn what's happening in the city throughout the summer while mingling with other young professionals. Enjoy free food and drinks while being welcomed by Memphis business leaders and community movers and shakers.

Speed Mentoring rectangle
Preparation is the key to success. College students and interns are invited to join us for an evening full of mentorship and networking to ready themselves for their careers. Executive alumni from New Memphis’ network are on-hand for engaging conversations with emerging talent, offering career and leadership advice. Come looking sharp; all attendees will receive a FREE professional headshot by Creation Studios.

Mem Scavenger Hunt rectangle
Think you've seen it all Downtown? Come explore the eclectic South Main District through this team-based, Memphis-themed scavenger hunt of some favorite historical and cultural spots. You‘ll meet new friends, explore important Memphis landmarks, and compete for prizes in this fast paced hunt!

Memphis 101 rectangle
Memphis 101 is a high-energy course offering an up-close view into Memphis, its people, music, culture, politics, and more. Throughout the presentation, you will learn more about the real story of Memphis and its dramatic place in American history. Discover why Memphis is the place it is today and how our history impacts where we are headed.

Pitch Night rectangle
On this National Intern Day, college students and interns are invited to celebrate a summer well spent while listening to presentations by selected interns eager to share how they spent their summers. Join the party to showcase the excellent work completed over the summer and celebrate a fantastic few months in Memphis.

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