CrossPurpose Capital Campaign Pledge Form
Contact Details
First Name
Last Name
Please enter your 10 digit phone number with no spaces or dashes (ex. 7207771212)
Room Sponsorship Details
Please select what room you would like to sponsor
Site Sponsorship - $1M
Auditorium - $250K
Child Enrichment - $150K
Multi-Use Community Room - $100K
Staff Wing & Offices - $100K
Outdoor Enjoyment - $100K
Outdoor Beautification - $100K
Commercial Kitchen - $75K
Counseling & Coaching Rooms - $50K
Assessment Room - $50K
Art Gallery - $25K
Resource Library Study Room - $25K
Pledge Info
Write in the dollar amount you would like to pledge.
How would you prefer to give your pledge?
One Time
Over 1 year
Over 2 years
Over 3 years
Over 5 years
What payment schedule would you prefer?
One Time
When would you like to begin your pledge?
How will you be sending this gift? (If giving by check, please make it out to 'CrossPurpose,' and put Make Something Beautiful Campaign in the memo line).
Check (Mail to: PO Box 2483, Denver, CO 80201)
Cash (Drop off at CrossPurpose Denver Campus, 3050 Richard Allen Ct, Denver CO 80205)
Credit Card
Donor-Advised Fund
If this gift is being given through a company, Donor-Advised Fund, Foundation, or another method, please write in the name that will be listed on the gift.
CrossPurpose EIN 46-3862392
Donor recognition preference: Please select anonymous or select "Other" and write in how you would like your name written when listed:
I wish to remain anonymous
Write in how you would like your name written when listed:
A Development Team Member will be reaching out to you to follow up on your pledge. Thank you for your commitment to CrossPurpose!
Contact Information