Reconnect With Us!

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By submitting this form, you will be added to our email mailing list. You can opt out at any time.

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Contact Information

For example: she/her, they/them

Employment Information

Tell us about your current position.
Tell us about your most recent position.

Education Information
If you are taking a gap year or are no longer in school, enter your most recent school information.

Please share your last active academic year in YYYY-YYYY format (e.g., 2023-2024 if you are currently enrolled).

Author Page
Each member of Girls Write Now—active and alum—can set up an author page with a bio, photo, links to social media, and more. You can use it to network and/or submit work to share with the community. This is also where you can submit a pseudonym or pen name for any work that you would not like to publish under your own name.


Social Media
Follow us on our social media platforms!
Image of the LinkedIn logo outlined in black and circled by a thin black circle.
Image of the Facebook "f" logo and circled by a thin black circle.
Image of the Instagram logo outlined in black and circled by a thin black circle.
Image of the former Twitter bird logo in black and circled by a thin black circle.