Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form - Next Stage Survey 2023

Attitude is Everything logo - The words Attitude is Everything in yellow on a black background
We want to capture some information about you so we can understand whether we are reaching and representing a diverse representation of the UK. 

The information you provide is anonymous and will not be linked to any other personal information we hold on you without your consent.

You can read a copy of our privacy policy by visiting http://www.attitudeiseverything.org.uk/about-us/digital-privacy-policy

Linking this information to your record
We would like to ask your consent to link the details you have provided in this form to your existing record on our system.

This is completely optional and you will not be disadvantaged in any way if you say no. However consenting to us linking this information, will enable us to better understand the impact of our network as well as meaning that we can contact you about any opportunities we know of that are specifically targeted at particular social demographics.

You can read a copy of our privacy policy by visiting http://www.attitudeiseverything.org.uk/about-us/digital-privacy-policy

Your details

Thank you for your time today.