MLA Prize for an Edited Collection
Submission Form for Publishers
ease fill out this form if you are a publisher submitting one or more works for the MLA Prize for an Edited Collection. If you are submitting more than one title for this prize, you will be prompted to add them below. For all other prizes please click on the prize name on the
Competitions for MLA Publication Awards page
All editors must be
current MLA members
to be eligible for this prize.
If the editors of books submitted for this prize are not current members, they must join or renew their membership no later than 1 May of the year of the competition.
I understand that editors must be current MLA members to be eligible for this prize.
Submitter Information
Publisher submitting the work
Name of publisher
Person submitting the work
Email address
Email address
Submission Information
Title of work
Year of publication
Books submitted for this prize may also compete for
other MLA publication prize that is not the James Russell Lowell Prize or the MLA Prize for a First Book.
Please select the name of the additional prize for which you are also submitting this work. You do not have to fill out a separate form, but you do have to send the required number of print copies for the selected competition. For a description of each prize and its requirements, including the deadline and number of print copies,
check our website
Additional prize
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No additional prize
Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies
William Sanders Scarborough Prize
Matei Calinescu Prize
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for African Studies
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for East Asian Studies
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Middle Eastern Studies
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for South Asian Studies
Howard R. Marraro Prize
Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize
MLA Prize for Contingent Faculty and Independent Scholars
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures
MLA Prize for Bibliographical or Archival Studies
Fenia and Yaakov Leviant Memorial Prize in Yiddish Studies
MLA Prize for Studies in Native American Literatures, Cultures, or Languages
Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Italian Studies
MLA Prize for United States Latina and Latino and Chicana and Chicano Literary and Cultural Studies
Beyond the two prizes selected above, I understand that I may not submit this book for any additional prizes.
We ask for a PDF of each submission. You may either
upload a PDF or
add a URL to a file hosting service
Please use the method that is easier for you. For born-digital works, you may add the URL below.
Drag and drop files here.
Add a URL from which the PDF(s) can be downloaded or the born-digital work can be found.
If your file is password protected, please provide the password here:
Shipping Information
Please send four print copies of each submitted title to our office.
If you are submitting the work to more than one prize, you may send the required number of copies for both prizes in one shipment.
The first line of the address should be "MLA Prize for an Edited Collection" (or, if you are sending books for more than one prize, “MLA Publication Prizes”) followed by:
Modern Language Association
85 Broad Street
SC Level
New York, NY 10004
The deadline for entries is 1 May in odd-numbered years.
If you have any questions or you wish to provide additional information about your submission, please write to