2024 LCWINS Database

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The LCWINS Database helps our community advance gender parity in senior national security and foreign policy leadership. Its information helps our team support the consideration of gender-balanced slates for key administration positions and respond to requests for expertise from the media, conference organizers, and recruiters from the pubic and private sectors.
As with everything at LCWINS, this project is bipartisan. We aim to help both major parties prepare to govern effectively by identifying women ready and eager to serve. You will be asked to share your preference for service in a Democratic and/or Republican administration, to serve under a specific (but unnamed) candidate only, or to opt out of public service and participate in all other activities aside from political appointments. 
The LCWINS Database is a private resource but, given the volume of participation, we are unable to seek individual permission for each specific opportunity. By creating an LCWINS Database profile, you consent to its use for referrals by LCWINS staff for employment opportunities, public commentary, etcetera. We will not refer any participants to presidential campaign staff until the parties have confirmed their nominees. At that point, we will ask participants to confirm their administration preferences one final time before LCWINS engages with the remaining transition teams.
With this resource, LCWINS advocates for all women—not specific women. We cannot guarantee placements, but we look forward to supporting those selected and championing all of your work to strengthen U.S. national security and foreign policy.
Questions? Email staff@lcwins.org.

Personal Information:

Please upload a resume or CV. This will help us in matching you with opportunities; we will have the ability to search this information when we query our database.

Online and Social Media Presence: (URLs)

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Demographic Information:

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Professional Experience:

Current Position(s):

Additional position:


Government Service:

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Please select your areas of expertise:

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Opportunities of Interest:
As you are interested in a political appointment, please complete the following questions. This information will be helpful when we provide lists to the White House Presidential Personnel Office. As always, we will do our part to protect the information you provide. Although we expect (and we will request) that they do not release this information, at that point we will not be able to control access to this data.
Political Appointment:

Additional Recommendations: