Keeping the Names of Loved Ones In Israel in Our Prayers

We pray for those who are being held captive, those who are healing from loss and dealing with trauma, and those who are on the front lines.  If you know of someone in Israel who you wish to add to the mishaberach (healing) list or a name to add to the Kaddish list, please let us know so we can collectively keep their names in our prayers.  

If you have a question and/or wish to follow up, please contact Bekki Kaplan.
Mishaberach List
Please add the following name(s) to the healing list.
Kaddish List
Please add the following name(s) to the Kaddish list.  Please note, we add names to the Kaddish list after a funeral, but we can include the names as an announcement on Shabbat to notify the congregation of the loss.