RPLC is subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Data Protection Act 2018 regarding the handling and processing of personal data. This explains how we will handle any information you share with RPLC as part of your application, and how we will process your personal data.
How your application and personal data will be handled: Under data protection legislation, RPLC is only allowed to use personal information if we have a proper reason to do so. RPLC will process your application and personal data in the following ways for the purposes of the delivery of this grant:
1. During assessment of your application
• Your contact information will be processed for the purpose of assessing your application and notifying you whether or not it was successful.
• Your application and contact information may be shared with other funders who may be helping us to assess applications.
2. If your application is successful
• Information from your application will be used to publicise the grant awarded. Information about your organisation will be published relating to the application including the amount of the grant, the activity it was for and who will be supported. This information may appear in RPLC press releases, in its print and online publications and in the publications or websites of any partner organisations who have match funded the activity.
• Information about the grant award will be published on 360 Giving. www.threesixtygiving.org.
• Information from your application and your contact details may be shared with organisations who are providing support as part of the RPLC's objective to strengthen the local voluntary and community sector, other Funders who may be able to provide match funding, and organisations who are evaluating the impact of RPLC funding. This is so that they can contact you about the RPLC grant, RPLC developments and associated opportunities.