In order to retain the RSciTech, RSci, CSci and CSciTeach status, all registrants who wish to renew their registration must make an annual declaration that they comply with the Science Council Continuing Professional Development (CPD) standard. This statement will normally be captured at the time of renewal and in any case, by 31st December each year.
The 4 Standards for CPD revalidation:
Standard 1
A registrant must maintain a continuous, up-to-date, accurate and reflective record of their CPD activities and be able to provide supporting evidence if requested.
This standard is met if you have provided a record of CPD activities in which you describe and reflect upon those undertaken. You will be keeping this record continuously but your Professional Body may ask to audit a 12 month period. You should be able to submit evidence which supports your participation in your CPD activities in circumstances where it is requested. Such evidence may include but is not limited to certificates, articles, training materials or feedback.
Standard 2
A registrant must demonstrate that their CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice.
This standard is met if your CPD record includes activities in at least three (exceptionally two) of the following categories. Through your description of these activities you must demonstrate how they are relevant to your current or future practice.
S2.1. Work based learning (e.g. supervising staff / students, reflective practice)
S2.2. Professional activity (e.g. involvement in a professional body, mentoring)
S2.3. Formal / Educational (e.g. writing articles / papers, further education)
S2.4. Self-directed learning (e.g. reading journals, reviewing books / articles)
S2.5. Other (e.g. voluntary work, public service)
Standard 3
A registrant must seek to ensure that their CPD has benefited the quality of their practice and reflect upon this.
This standard is met if throughout your CPD record you reflect upon the ways in which your CPD activities have or will improve the quality of your work. Be sure to say why you think that your work has been or will be improved by your chosen CPD activities. There might be some cases where you had expected your CPD activities to improve your work but this did not happen as planned, you may discuss these circumstances also. How will you change your approach to planning CPD activities to reduce the chance of this happening in future?
Standard 4
A registrant must seek to ensure that their CPD has benefited the users of their work (employee, customer, student etc.) and reflect upon this.
This standard is met if throughout your CPD record you reflect upon the ways in which your CPD activities have or will benefit the users of your work. Be sure to say why you think that these activities have already or will provide this benefit. You can provide evidence of a direct benefit, for example feedback from a student. You may also describe indirect benefits, for example your enrolment on a training course may indirectly benefit clients through changes in your approach to interactions with them.