
Order Information
To order, begin by selecting the items you would like below. Each check-mark will open the corresponding section in the form for you to complete. If you change your mind, please uncheck the box to avoid error messages. You may order any combination of items below – you will receive one invoice, and once it has been paid, we will ship all of your items. If you would like separate invoices or shipments, please complete separate orders. 


Order Information
To order, begin by selecting the items you would like below. Each check-mark will open the corresponding section in the form for you to complete. If you change your mind, please uncheck the box to avoid error messages. You may order any combination of items below - they will be shipped and invoiced together. If you would like separate invoices or shipments, please complete separate orders. 

DAISY Awards
 Your annual DAISY Award Gifts shipment includes your yearly supply of the following:


  • Certificate portfolios and transparencies
  • Healer's Touch sculptures
  • DAISY Award pins
  • Nominee pins (amount dependent on number of Awards)
  • DAISY gift bags
  • DAISY Kleenex packs

You will receive your DAISY Congratulate Banner with your first shipment only. This cost is for the full set of the items listed above. Should you need a singular replacement item, please contact your regional program director.                                      

DAISY Book Add On

DAISY Nurse Leader Awards
Nurse Leader
 The Nurse Leader Award honors those who create an environment where compassionate, skillful care thrives. In many facilities this award is used to recognize Nurse Managers, Directors, Assistant Managers, Charge Nurses, Educators, Chief Nursing Officers, Preceptors, Informatics Nurses, and Patient Flow Nurses.


  • Certificate portfolio and transparency
  • Unique Healer’s Touch sculpture, designated for Nurse Leaders
  • DAISY Nurse Leader Award pin
  • 10 Nominee Pins

The Nurse Leader Award Banner is White & 4 Feet Long


DAISY Nurse Educator Awards
Image of Nurse Educator Awards

We hope you will add your Nurse Educators to your DAISY recognition program and honor the extraordinary work they do in improving practice and advancing patient care through teaching, precepting, and mentoring. Nominations for The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurse Educators will typically come from internal staff, so it is important to have a process in place to make them aware of the opportunity to nominate for this application of The DAISY Award.

Suggested Criteria:

  • Has empathy and compassion which fosters deep connections and creates a safe and supportive environment.
  • Possesses effective communication skills including active listening, and the ability to articulate ideas and present information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Serves as a role model and mentor for nursing by leading by example and nurturing leadership qualities that will assist in continued professional development.
  • Is adaptable and flexible, embracing change and able to modify teaching methods to meet a diverse range of needs.
  • Models a love of learning and is committed to lifelong learning and professional development.
  • Establishes clear learning outcomes and provides constructive feedback.
  • Builds collaborative working relationships.

A sample nomination form for just Nurse Educator or for all of our other offerings beyond direct care can be found in our online Resource Center.

Presenting the Award:

Just like your award celebrations for your direct care nurses, the presentation occurs in a location that allows recipients to be surrounded and celebrated by their colleagues. The recognition ceremony, coordinated by the DAISY Committee, can be a surprise for the recipient if logistically possible.

The Package for The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurse Educators Includes:

  • Award certificate (this is a PowerPoint slide that will be emailed)
  • DAISY Foundation portfolio for the award certificate
  • DAISY Educator Honoree Pin
  • Healer's Touch sculpture

Nurse Educator Banner
The Nurse Educator Award Banner is Green & 4 Feet Long

NE Banner

DAISY Nurse Educator Awards
Image of Nurse Educator Awards

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Faculty has evolved to include all Nurse Educators

The DAISY Award for Nursing Faculty was first introduced in 2010, inspired by a Dean of Nursing who reminded DAISY's founders, the Barnes family, that Patrick's nurses were educated and inspired by excellent nursing faculty. This realization prompted the family to create a program honoring nursing faculty to recognize and celebrate the contributions faculty make to the future of nursing. Since then, more than 500 nursing schools have adopted The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Faculty to celebrate nursing educators who inspire their students.

The DAISY Foundation remains committed to providing meaningful recognition to the nursing profession, regardless of where nurses serve or their career stage. Therefore, with gratitude for the continuum of educators in academic and practice settings, we are pleased to announce the evolution of The DAISY Award for Nursing Faculty to The DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurse Educators. This all-encompassing recognition honors every nurse educator, regardless of their teaching functional role and location.

Undergraduate and graduate students, preceptees, residents, clinicians, and professionals across the spectrum of nursing education, from practical/vocational through advanced practice nurses, are encouraged to nominate educators, NPD practitioners, mentors, and preceptors who have committed themselves to improving practice and advancing patient care. Colleagues of educators and students alike are invited to share compelling stories that highlight teaching, mentoring, compassion, and care.

Suggested Criteria:

  • Serves as a role model and mentor for professional nursing.
  • Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching, learning, and nursing that inspires and motivates students.
  • Demonstrates interest in and respect for learners.
  • Uses personal attributes (e.g., caring, confidence, patience, integrity and flexibility) that facilitate professional growth.
  • Is fair and unbiased in his/her treatment of individual students.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Develops collaborative working relationships with students and colleagues.

The Package for The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurse Educators Includes:

  • Award certificate (this is a PowerPoint slide that will be emailed)
  • DAISY Foundation portfolio for the award certificate
  • DAISY Educator Honoree Pin
  • Healer's Touch sculpture

Nurse Educator Banner
The Nurse Educator Award Banner is Green & 4 Feet Long

NE Banner

DAISY Student Nurse Awards

The Package for The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Student Includes:

  • Award certificate (this is a PowerPoint slide that will be emailed)
  • DAISY Foundation portfolio for the award certificate
  • DAISY Student Honoree Pin
  • Healer's Touch sculpture
In the clinical setting, a student nurse doing their clinical rotation at your facility may be nominated for a DAISY Award. Consider recognizing them with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Students or consider sponsoring this recognition at the schools of nursing you partner with so any student that does their clinical rotation with you, has the opportunity to celebrated and honored.

Nursing Student Banner
The Nursing Student Award Banner is Green & 4 Feet Long

Student Banner

DAISY Book Add On

DAISY Health Equity Awards
Heath Equity

The DAISY Health Equity Awards were designed to honor individual nurses, or nurse leaders or nurse-led teams whose work advances health equity, mitigating health disparities caused by social determinants of health. Honorees elevate the health of patients, families, and communities affected by Social Determinants of Health.

As with other applications of The DAISY Award, Partners will create criteria that fit their mission and needs. Honorees will be selected by their organization's designated DAISY Committee. Each organization will determine the frequency of presentations each year. For more information visit

The DAISY Award for Advancing Health Equity Package Includes:

• A beautiful Healer's Touch sculpture

• A DAISY Foundation certificate portfolio

• A DAISY Award for Advancing Health Equity certificate template to personalize for your Honoree
• A DAISY Award pin

• A DAISY gift bag 

DAISY Team Award for Advancing Health Equity
Heath Equity Team Award

The DAISY Team Award for Advancing Health Equity Package Includes:

• A special DAISY Team Award plaque, customized with the Team's Name

• A DAISY Team Award Certificate template which you may personalize for each team member

• 4 DAISY Foundation certificate portfolios

• 4 DAISY Team Award pins

Ensure that all team members are recognized. The DAISY Team Award for Advancing Health Equity package includes 4 certificate portfolios and 4 team pins. You can order additional portfolio-and-pin combinations for $10.00 each. If you only want additional pins and not portfolios, you many add additional Team pins for $2.75 each.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the customization, it may take up to 4 weeks to create and ship your plaque. 

All orders will ship upon payment.


If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Program Director. Thank You!

Your DAISY Team Award for Advancing Health Equity plaque will be customized with the name of your Team. The tribute words are: "In deep appreciation of your meaningful contribution to health equity and compassionate, quality care for vulnerable patients, families, and communities." This section may not be customized.

Team Information
Team must be nurse-led.

DAISY Health Equity Team Award Add- On Items
The DAISY Team Award was designed to recognize and celebrate all members of the selected team. If your team has more than 4 members, we hope that you will purchase each person a special Team Award Pin and, if feasible, a Portfolio. By doing so, you ensure that everyone feels equally recognized, and that the true impact of the Award is felt at your facility.

port and pin

Small Pin and badge

The Team Award Banner is White & 6 Feet Long
Team banner

The DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics
Image of The DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics Award items

The DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics, developed in collaboration with the American Nurses Association’s Center for Ethics and Human Rights, will recognize nurse leaders and clinical nurses whose leadership, compassion and clinical practice demonstrate the importance of human values and ethics in nursing.

The DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics Package Includes:

• A beautiful Healer's Touch sculpture

• A DAISY Foundation certificate portfolio

• A DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics certificate template to personalize for your Honoree
• A DAISY Award for Nursing Ethics Honoree pin

• A DAISY gift bag

To learn more, please visit:

The DAISY Nurse Leader Award
Nurse Leader
 The Nurse Leader Award honors those who create an environment where compassionate, skillful care thrives. In many facilities this award is used to recognize Nurse Managers, Directors, Assistant Managers, Charge Nurses, Educators, Chief Nursing Officers, Preceptors, Informatics Nurses, and Patient Flow Nurses.


  • Certificate portfolio and transparency
  • Unique Healer’s Touch sculpture, designated for Nurse Leaders
  • DAISY Nurse Leader Award pin
  • 10 Nominee Pins

DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award

LTAAThe DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award was created to recognize those nurses who have devoted their life’s work to the compassionate care of others.  Recipients of this award are nominated for their dedication to nursing through active mentoring, role modeling, advocating for their patients and promoting the positive image of nursing. They serve as a beacon of inspiration to those at all stages of their career and in the various and important roles of nursing.

To honor a nurse with The Lifetime Achievement Award, we will send you:
  • A Lifetime Achievement Award certificate (this is a Power Point slide that will be emailed)
  • A DAISY Foundation portfolio for the award certificate
  • A specially-designed DAISY recognition pin
  • A unique Healer’s Touch sculpture, mounted to a pedestal with a personalized plaque attached
$275.00 per award package. 

When you order from this form and click Submit, you will see an acknowledgement screen.  Your invoice will be sent to the person you specify below.  Upon receipt of payment, we will ship your award gifts.  We will also email your customized DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award certificate template.

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Program Director.

This is the person who will sign The DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award Certificate for your DAISY Lifetime Achievement Honoree.

DAISY Team Award
Team AwardThe DAISY Team Award is designed to complement your on-going DAISY Award program.  The Team Award honors a care team, led by a nurse, whose actions have gone above and beyond to impact the experience of a patient and/or patient family. To learn more about The DAISY Team Award, please click here.

If you choose to celebrate nurse-led teams, we ask you to present only one DAISY Team Award per year, in addition to the DAISY Awards you regularly present to individual nurses.  The team must be led by a nurse.

The Team Award Package Includes:

• A special DAISY Team Award plaque, customized with the Team's Name (e.g. The Staff of 7 West etc.)

• A beautiful DAISY Team Award Certificate Template which you may personalize for each team member

• 4 DAISY Foundation certificate portfolios*

• 4 DAISY Team Award Pins*

If there are more than 4 people on the Team, you may purchase additional portfolios and pins. See below for pricing.

Ensure that all team members are recognized.  The Team Award package includes 4 certificate portfolios and 4 team pins.  You can order additional portfolio-and-pin combinations for $10.00 each.

If you only want additional pins and not portfolios, you many add additional Team pins for $2.75 each. You may also add an optional Team Award banner for $120.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the customization, it may take up to 4 weeks to create and ship your plaque. 

The plaque, portfolios and pins will all be shipped upon payment. We will email your customized DAISY Team Award certificate template to the “ship to” person listed on your order form.


If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Program Director.   Thank You!

Team Information
Team must be nurse-led.

The DAISY Team Award was designed to recognize and celebrate all members of the selected team. If your team has more than 4 members, we hope that you will purchase each person a special Team Award Pin and, if feasible, a Portfolio. By doing so, you ensure that everyone feels equally recognized, and that the true impact of the Award is felt at your facility.

Pin and port

Small Pin and badge

The Team Award Banner is White & 6 Feet Long
Team banner

DAISY Champion

ChampionDo you have someone who has worked especially hard to make your DAISY Award program very meaningful for your nurses and successful for your organization?  Someone you think is a true DAISY Champion?


We have created The DAISY Champion to celebrate those who make DAISY possible in your facility.

Please note that The DAISY Champion is not an award but is presented by the organization as a gift of gratitude to a staff member that makes their DAISY Award program wonderful.  The DAISY Champion does not get registered as a DAISY Honoree and is not able to apply for DAISY Honoree Benefits.


The DAISY Champion includes a personalized video from DAISY Co-Founder and President Bonnie Barnes thanking your Champion for their hard work and dedication to the success of your DAISY Program.  Also included are a DAISY Certificate and Portfolio.


There is no cost to The DAISY Champion as described above, but you may wish to purchase a beautiful Celebratory Healer's Touch Sculpture to present to your DAISY Champion as well.  The Celebratory Healer's Touch Sculptures are made by the same Shona artists in Zimbabwe who create all of our DAISY Healers, as well as our Large Healer's Touch sculptures.  To learn more about the process and the artists, click here.


The Celebratory Healer is available to be purchased for $160.00

Celebratory Healer's Touch Sculptures


Many people contact us each year because they have fallen in love with our beautiful Healer's Touch Sculpture and wish to purchase one for a retiring nurse, or as a gift to the family of a nurse who has passed away to celebrate their life, posthumously.  While the traditional Healer's Touches are reserved just for our DAISY Nurse Honorees, we do have a beautiful Celebratory Healer's Touch Sculpture available for purchase for special occasions.


These are made by the same Shona artists in Zimbabwe who create all of our DAISY sculptures, as well as our Large Healer's Touch sculptures.  To learn more about the process and the artists, click here.

The Celebratory Healer is available to be purchased for $160.00.

PLEASE NOTE: These are not the sculptures used for annual DAISY Awards. If you need an Award package please see Annual Awards above, or contact us directly for replacement sculptures. Thank you!

Pins and Buttons
Nominee Pins are available in bags of 50 for $60.00 per bag.
Nominee Pin

DAISY Multi-Nominee Pins are available in bags of 10 for $35.00 per bag.                                            
multi pin

Platinum DAISY Multi-Nominee Pins are available in bags of 10 for $35.00 per bag.

(Use to Celebrate your Nurses who have been Nominated 10+ times)


"Ask Me" Buttons are available in bags of 25 for $35.00 per bag.
Image of DAISY Ask me button

Nominee Pins are available in bags of 50 for $60.00 per bag.
Nominee Pin

DAISY Multi-Nominee Pins are available in bags of 10 for $35.00 per bag.                                            
multi pin

Platinum DAISY Multi-Nominee Pins are available in bags of 10 for $35.00 per bag.

(Use to Celebrate your Nurses who have been Nominated 10+ times)


Customize Your Banners!

QR Banner
Congratulate Our DAISY Award Honoree! Banner (6' long), in Green for $120.00 each.
Congrat Banner

Want to Thank an Extraordinary Nurse Banner (4' long), in Green $55.00 each.
Thank Banner

DAISY Award "We Proudly Honor Our Nurses" Banner (4' long), in white for $55.00 each
Proudly Honor

Want to Say Thank You to Your Nurse Vertical Banner, for $275 each.
Banner alone is 33.5"w x 79"h. With the banner stand (included) the dimensions are 34"w x 83.25"h
new banner

Congratulate Our DAISY Honoree Vertical Banner, for $275 each.
Banner alone is 33.5"w x 79"h. With the banner stand (included) the dimensions are 34"w x 83.25"h
congrat Vt. banner

Customized Banner Information
If available, please enter the website address to your online nomination form, and QR Code image below. If you have trouble with the form, please email this information to your Program Team.

Amount to be Invoiced
Please check that the amount due for the items you are ordering is correct.


Shipping Information:
Please Note: Orders are shipped upon receipt of payment. Please contact your Program Team if you need the items by a certain date.

Invoicing Information:
Your invoice will be emailed to:                                                                                                                          

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Our invoicing address has changed! In order to expedite our process, we have created a new PO box for check payments. Please share this with your accounting team! (The information will also be included on your invoice)

Remit to:

The DAISY Foundation 720515276

National Bank by Mail

PO Box 6185

Westerville, OH 43086-6185

Please include the Invoice Number in check's memo field
