Core Funding Application Form        

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Please complete the Eligibility Checklist before filling out the online Core application form and check that you are eligible to apply for this grant stream. If you are not sure which grant stream to apply for please contact You can view this form and its guidance in a word document and see Frequently Asked Questions at
Please note, to view word count please close the guidance pop-up box for each question.


Please provide a clear summary of what you’re proposing to do. E.g. We will do X to support Y in order to have Z impact. We suggest you write this after you’ve worked through the rest of your application. This is useful for the application reviewer and Trustees to have a brief overview of your proposal. If your application is successful we may share this on our website, on our social media and with 360 Giving

We want to make sure that your application addresses our grant priorities and to understand how your application fits-in with our wider grant portfolio. We understand that many proposals address more than one priority. Please select the one that best fits your proposal here. You can explain in more detail how it fits this one, and any other of the grants priorities in question 4. Our fifth grant priority to strengthen the local VCS sits across our work.

Please include your target group/s and why you have chosen to work with them, and how your proposal aligns with RPLC's priorities. Include evidence of the need and demand for the work that you will be doing. It is useful to include information from reports and research, and also evidence from consultations you have done with your target group/s and local partners. Show how your activity adds value to existing services and activities in your area.

Consider how you meet the needs of the people you will support and how you will reach them. This is where you explain to RPLC the activity that your organisation does.

Tell us what you are already doing, the outcomes of your past work, what you have learned about what works, and how you will build on that during the lifetime of this grant. We want you to tell us about your track record and how you understand what is going well and what needs to be developed further. You must have evidence of successfully delivering RPLC grants for two years or more and be applying to deliver similar activities to those previously funded.


9. How many people will your organisation directly support?

Please state the number of people that you forecast your organisation will directly support. 

     Box A: who are living in the RPLC's benefit area of the following postcodes: TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

     Box B: who live in LB Richmond, including those in TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

     Box C: who live in LB Richmond or outside of the borough.

Do Do not include people you indirectly support or volunteers in this amount. By 'directly support', we mean someone who is directly involved with your activity and benefits from it. Depending on your activity, this could be people who participated in your training (eg. parent and child) or someone that you provided with advice etc. Since they are so closely intertwined with the activity, people you directly support should be easy to count and describe. You must be located in the borough and have strong community links. As core funding supports strategic development across your organisation, we want to know the total number of people that you will support. When reviewing your application we will look at the proportion of people that you are supporting in the RPLC benefit area and in Richmond, compared to the percentage of your income that the RPLC grant will equate to.

Year 1

Box A: who are living in the RPLC's benefit area of the following postcodes: TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

Box B: who live in LB Richmond, including those in TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

Box C: who live in LB Richmond or outside of the borough.

Year 2

Box A: who are living in the RPLC's core benefit area of is the following postcode area: TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

Box B: who live in LB Richmond, including those in TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

Box C: who live in LB Richmond or outside of the borough.

Year 3

Box A: who are living in the RPLC's core benefit area of is the following postcode area: TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

Box B: who live in LB Richmond, including those in TW9, TW10, SW13, SW14.

Box C: who live in LB Richmond or outside of the borough.

This question is not mandatory. Only complete this question if you already track people indirectly supported by your activity and would like to share that with us. People you indirectly support are people who are not directly involved with your activity but will still benefit from it. This could be family members of the participants or other members of the community. Do not include volunteers in the people you indirectly support. If you make an assumption about the number of people you directly support let us know what this is, e.g. 2 people indirectly supported for each person directly supported.

All proposals must include support for people living in the RPLC benefit area of TW9, TW10, SW13 and SW14 postcodes. It is useful for us to understand the venues you'll use, if activity is online, and how you plan to reach out to people living in the RPLC area if your main location is elsewhere.
12. Tell us about 3 organisational goals that you plan to achieve over the next three years. These should be in line with your current strategic/business plan.

Core funding supports your strategic development. When completing this question think about the objectives you have in your strategic or organisational plan. If your application is successful, we will ask you each year to report on progress towards these organisational goals.


Remember to consider impact and evaluation costs in the amount you are applying for.

This is asking about the long-term aim of your work. Here are some useful resources around measuring your impact. You can tell us here about the impact you hope to achieve. These links can help you think about how to describe your impact. Nesta's Theory of Change toolkit NPC's guide to creating a theory of change What Works Centre e.g.: What Works for Wellbeing Centre for Youth Impact

Core grants range from £30k to £180k over three years. You do not need to apply for the same amount each year. 
We can fund full cost recovery so please include direct and indirect costs where appropriate. For more information and practical tips on how to work out full costs have a look at this guide published by Culture Hive

Core grants are from £30k to £180k over three years. You do not need to apply for the same amount each year. We can fund full cost recovery so please include direct and indirect costs where appropriate. For more information and practical tips on how to work out full costs have a look at this guide published by Culture Hive

Let us know how you arrived at the grant value requested.

Don't worry about listing all funding that you receive but it is helpful for us to understand who your main funders are.


Please refer to the roles in your organisation (e.g. organisational structure) and the relevant skills, experience and/or qualifications of your employees, volunteers, and trustees (if appropriate).

We want to hear how core grant applicants are collaborating and sharing their experiences to maximise impact.

We want core grant holders to actively collaborate and share your experience with RPLC and local partners. We'll use this information to inform things like Share and Learns, Partner Events and Peer Support. For example: strong volunteering CPD; strong outreach; expert in accessibility etc.

We’re asking this so that we can signpost grantees to useful sources of information and support and it will help us plan RPLC's programme of support for the local VCS.


RPLC can only support registered charities, Community Interest Companies, Charitable Incorporated Organisations, Schools, and other properly constituted not-for-profit organisations.

We want to get an idea of the scale of your overall organisation and to understand whether you are forecasting a growth in numbers in the future. Do not include volunteers or indirect beneficiaries in this amount.

We want to understand about your capacity to deliver your proposal.

This could focus on training, CPD and/or wellbeing for staff and volunteers. Remember to include relevant costs in the amount you are applying for.

Here we capture information about the LLW, as we are a Living Wage Funder. This scheme, run by the Living Wage Foundation, means that RPLC actively encourages and supports organisations to pay staff the LLW which at the time of writing is £13.85 per hour. We are asking that you make your applications for any staff costs at the LLW rates. We understand that, for some organisations, paying a LLW can be difficult for a number of reasons, we would like to work with you to see how we can support you to enable you to pay a London Living Wage.


Please input without a space, e.g. 02089485701.


We will use this information to better understand the organisations applying for our support and who it's reaching. This will inform our grant strategy and how we can improve our funding practice. 
We will also use it to share information about the impact of our funding. When publishing information about grants we have awarded on websites like 360Giving, we will share data about who the project is supporting and the organisation's leadership.

Your specific group may share one or more characteristics. For example, if 80% of the people you work with are female refugees, this means you support a specific group of people. In this example, they share two characteristics — women and refugees, so you can tick two boxes in the list. We know this can only be an estimate. It’d be too difficult to work out exactly, especially if this is a new project.

We define 'led by' as when more than 75% of an organisation's Trustees and more than 50% of staff members are from that group.

Please note: RPLC will review your published Accounts. RPLC will also review the Monitoring and Evaluation Forms you have submitted and other relevant information regarding your previous delivery of RPLC funded activity.

RPLC reviewers want to know that you are actively managing your risks and your risk register is kept up to date, and your senior managers or trustees are aware of these.

Only complete this question if you had exceptional spend or income in your last filed/audited accounts. As part of our due diligence we consider what percentage of your income the RPLC grant will equate to. We want organisations to have a diverse funding base and not be overly reliant on RPLC funding.

Applicant’s safeguarding policy should include the relevant safeguarding, data protection measures and clearance checks needed for their proposed activities. All applicants must have a safeguarding policy that is dated and has been reviewed within the last 2-years. The safeguarding policy must include: a recruitment procedure, reference to when a DBS search disclosure/check is required for representatives of the organisation, a named designated safeguarding officer for the organisation (with their contact details), an outline of reporting/disclosure policies and escalation (including managing allegations against staff and volunteers). If any of these minimum requirements are not in place, a condition will be added to any grant awarded by RPLC and no funding can be paid by RPLC until this condition has been met.

Applicants are required to have Employer Liability Insurance for the statutory minimum amount of cover. The insurance must be maintained during the period of the grant.

Where relevant, you must have Public Liability Insurance. The minimum amount of cover required is £1 million, unless agreed otherwise. The insurance must be maintained during the period of the grant.

Our core grants support your strategic development, so it is useful for RPLC to see your latest plan.


RPLC is subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Data Protection Act 2018 regarding the handling and processing of personal data. This explains how we will handle any information you share with RPLC as part of your application, and how we will process your personal data.

How your application and personal data will be handled: Under data protection legislation, RPLC is only allowed to use personal information if we have a proper reason to do so. RPLC will process your application and personal data in the following ways for the purposes of the delivery of this grant:

1. During assessment of your application

• Your contact information will be processed for the purpose of assessing your application and notifying you whether or not it was successful.
• Your application and contact information may be shared with other funders who may be helping us to assess applications.

2. If your application is successful

• Information from your application will be used to publicise the grant awarded. Information about your organisation will be published relating to the application including the amount of the grant, the activity it was for and who will be supported. This information may appear in RPLC press releases, in its print and online publications and in the publications or websites of any partner organisations who have match funded the activity. 
• Information about the grant award will be published on 360 Giving.
• Information from your application and your contact details may be shared with organisations who are providing support as part of the RPLC's objective to strengthen the local voluntary and community sector, other Funders who may be able to provide match funding, and organisations who are evaluating the impact of RPLC funding. This is so that they can contact you about the RPLC grant, RPLC developments and associated opportunities.
3. If your application is unsuccessful

Application Declaration