Tour the Writer
Mentored Writer Applications

If you would like to apply to be one of our Mentored Writers in year two of Tour the Writer, we’re opening a short application process to anyone that has attended a Tour the Writer event previously.

This will include providing a few details, a short statement about yourself, and a writing sample.
First Name
Last Name
If you would prefer an alternative way of sending your writing sample, please get in touch with Paines Plough at

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Paines Plough is committed to promoting equality and achieving diversity in the range of people we engage. We understand that some of this information is personal and sensitive in nature. However, gathering this data helps us to meet the aims and commitments set out in our Equality policy. The information that we are asking you to provide is informed by our duties under the Equality Act 2010. It also helps us meet our requirements as a National Portfolio Organisation funded by Arts Council England.

The information you provide on this form will be held in the strictest confidence.