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Hot Bread Kitchen Culinary Career Pathways for New New Yorkers Program Application                                                            Solicitud para el programa de Caminos Culinarios para Nuevos Neoyorquinos                                                             

Please select your language.
Welcome! / ¡Bienvenido!
ABOUT THE PROGRAM/ ACERCA DEL PROGRAMA: NEW Bilingual Spanish program. This new program provides hands-on instruction on basic culinary and baking techniques, food safety, and other kitchen fundamentals. Instruction will be provided in English and Spanish by bilingual instructors and support staff. More information about this program here.


Those with work authorization who are ready to take steps toward a job in the food industry

Hispanohablantes recién llegados que tienen autorización de trabajo.


5 weeks of culinary training/ 5 semanas de capacitación culinaria

1:45-4:45pm: English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) / Clases de inglés (ESOL)

5 pm-8 pm: Culinary Instruction / Instrucción culinaria


Hot Bread Kitchen at the Manny Cantor Center
197 E Broadway, New York, NY 10002


March 10th - April 18th / 10 de Marzo - 18 de Abril

Contact Information

You must be at least 18 years old to apply.

Please note: we will communicate with you by text after receiving your application. Standard messaging rates apply. If you would prefer not to receive text messages from us, please answer "no" to this question.  

Case Manager Information

First and last name

Additional Information / Información Adicional

Pronouns are the words we often use to talk about a person when we're not using their name. Ex: She/her, He/Him, They/them, She/they

Hot Bread Kitchen does not provide childcare but we can help identify potential childcare resources./ Hot Bread Kitchen no ofrece cuidado infantil pero podemos ayudar a identificar recursos.

Hot Bread Kitchen does not provide housing but we can help identify potential housing resources./ Hot Bread Kitchen no ofrece alojamiento pero podemos ayudar a identificar recursos de alojamiento.

Work Authorization/ Permiso de Trabajo

Please note: two forms of work authorization are required for participation in our programs. / Tenga en cuenta: se requiere dos formas de permiso de trabajo para participar en nuestros programas.
Please hit "SUBMIT" to submit your program application./ Presione "ENVIAR" para enviar su solicitud de programa.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros en Hablamos español!