ProInspire Leadership Institute (PLI) Virtual Workshop Registration 2024

Thank you for your interest in our 2024 PLI workshops, PLI: Managing People and Power and our new offering PLI: Exploring Identity.

The PLI Workshops are three-day intensives that are open to leaders of all backgrounds. This curriculum is designed to reflect the opportunities that come with having a multi-racial space where people can connect with others who hold different identities. Please register for your seat in one, or both, of our virtual sessions below!

UPDATE: The General Exploring Identity session for June is now full

Session Dates:
  • Managing People and Power: May 1-3, 2024 With over seven cohorts now completed, PLI Managing People and Power is designed to engage people and project managers in ProInspire's leading self and leading people practices for Race Equity Impact. During MPP, you will explore and deepen a racial equity analysis around the power you hold when in management. By engaging in self-reflection and interactive activities with other participants, you will learn tools, practice strategies. and vision around liberatory ways to lead projects and teams. 
  • Exploring Identity: June 26-28, 2024 New for 2024, the ProInspire Leadership Insititute: Exploring Identity training is designed to engage emerging leaders in ProInspire's leading self practices for Race Equity Impact. During EI, you will deepen and strengthen your leadership through storytelling and visioning around ancestral reverence, co-liberation, and thriving at all levels. Through self-reflection and interactive activities with other participants, you will practice storytelling, explore the power of ancestor reverence, identify your purpose in movement work, and better understand your relationship to rest and self-determination.

For questions, please contact Ha'Na Muhammad at

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