Application Form

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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character


We need your consent to receive your application information and to contact you during the application process. By selecting the option to  ‘Save my progress and resume later” at any time during the application process or by pressing the 'Submit' button when you have completed the form, you are providing that consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To withdraw your consent, please email us at For more information about what we do with your personal data and how we protect it, see our privacy notice.

Personal Information


Paste your Facebook profile URL.
Current Address

Permanent Address (If different from above)

Marital Status

First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy), Passport Number, Nationality.

Passport Information

Emergency Contact Information

including international dialing code

including international dialing code

including international dialing code

Church Information

Education and Skills

Secondary School (Education between 11 and 18 years)

approximate date

approximate date


approximate date

approximate date


approximate date

approximate date

University/College/Higher or Further Education (post 18 years)


approximate date


approximate date

approximate date


What is your employment history and occupation?

approximate date

approximate date


Gifts, Hobbies and Talents

Please indicate your gifts including any drama, musical/ artistic talents, trade or cooking skills you have, as well as your ho


Please enter your skill levels
Need supervision Can work independently Can teach others None

Christian Life and Experience

Personal Evaluation

Discipleship Training School & YWAM History (if applicable)


Staff in YWAM are responsible for providing their own fees and personal living expenses. Please contact us for recommended amounts of monthly committed support needed for singles, couples or families. 

How will you raise the required finances?

Please state below the support you already have. 

Amount needs to be in GBP (£)

Amount needs to be in GBP (£)

Amount needs to be in GBP (£)

Criminal Offences

YWAM England and Wales, as an agency working with children and young people, is exempt from the UK Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974) and therefore applicants must declare all previous convictions. Police record checks can be made by YWAM to verify information. 


  • Youth With A Mission (YWAM) requires staff to have successfully completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS).

  • Acceptance on staff is conditional, subject to a 3 month mutual evaluation period. By the end of this time we will aim to have a mutual review to determine if this is the right place for you.

  • If I am accepted I will comply with the value, ethos & policies of YWAM International and YWAM Immerse Cornwall under YWAM Harpenden. (These documents can be found in YWAM Immerse Staff Guide and

  • If I am accepted as Long Term staff, I understand I will have to complete an Orientation Programme before I begin.

  • As a volunteer with YWAM England, I am classified as self-employed and I understand it is my responsibility to register with HMRC (expand) within 90 days of entering the UK if I am here for more than 183 days. I understand that if I fail to do this, I will be responsible for any fines or consequences relating to this. (Further details can be requested from the personnel office and will be covered in the Orientation programme) 
  • I understand that YWAM does not guarantee my housing and I may need to make my own arrangements.
  • I understand that when I leave I will pay all outstanding money owed to the YWAM Immerse Cornwall. If I am unable to pay off my debt, I will transfer the debt to a credit card.
  • If accepted, I will abide by the Network Terms of Use (Internet Access). By me and my dependents accessing the network, I acknowledge I have read and understood and agree for me and my dependents to be bound by this agreement. The network service is provided by the property owners and is completely at their discretion. I understand that access to the network may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason. I agree not to use the network for any purpose that is unlawful and take full responsibility of your acts. I understand that the network is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. 
  • In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act (2018), the information provided on my staff application form will be held securely, confidentially and will not be kept for longer than is necessary to achieve the stated purposes of recruitment, selection, supplementary personal details and statistics, or that required by law or our insurance company.
  • I agree to comply with all aspects of national and local law
  • Though every effort is made to provide a safe environment, Youth With A Mission Limited, their agents, employees and volunteer assistants are insured against loss or injury caused by the negligence of Youth With A Mission Limited. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by Youth With A Mission Limited, participation in a Youth with A Mission Limited organised programme, event or outreach is entirely at the participant’s own risk. Accordingly participants are required to have adequate medical insurance for all phases of their involvement with Youth With A Mission Limited.

  • If I am accepted I will comply with the values and ethos of YWAM (These documents can be found in the YWAM Harpenden Team Plants Handbook or on the website
  • I agree to abide by the YWAM Immerse Cornwall‘s Code of Conduct

  • I have read the Job Description and are able to fill out the duties required.
  • If accepted, I will abide by the Network Terms of Use (Internet Access). By me and my dependents accessing the network, I acknowledge I have read and understood and agree for me and my dependents to be bound by this agreement. The network service is provided by the property owners and is completely at their discretion. I understand that access to the network may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason. I agree not to use the network for any purpose that is unlawful and take full responsibility of your acts. I understand that the network is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. 
  • Though every effort is made to provide a safe environment, Youth With A Mission Limited, their agents, employees and volunteer assistants are insured against loss or injury caused by the negligence of Youth With A Mission Limited. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by Youth With A Mission Limited, participation in a Youth with A Mission Limited organised programme, event or outreach is entirely at the participant’s own risk. Accordingly participants are required to have adequate medical insurance for all phases of their involvement with Youth With A Mission Limited.

  • If I am accepted I will comply with the values and ethos of YWAM (These documents can be found in the YWAM Immerse Cornwall Handbook or on the website

  • I agree to abide by YWAM Immerse's Code of Conduct
  • If accepted, I will abide by the Network Terms of Use (Internet Access). By me and my dependents accessing the network, I acknowledge I have read and understood and agree for me and my dependents to be bound by this agreement. The network service is provided by the property owners and is completely at their discretion. I understand that access to the network may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason. I agree not to use the network for any purpose that is unlawful and take full responsibility of your acts. I understand that the network is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. 
  • Though every effort is made to provide a safe environment, Youth With A Mission Limited, their agents, employees and volunteer assistants are insured against loss or injury caused by the negligence of Youth With A Mission Limited. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by Youth With A Mission Limited, participation in a Youth with A Mission Limited organised programme, event or outreach is entirely at the participant’s own risk. Accordingly participants are required to have adequate medical insurance for all phases of their involvement with Youth With A Mission Limited.


·        If needed, I consent to a criminal records check if appointed to the position for which I have applied. I am aware that details of pending prosecutions, previous convictions, cautions, or bindovers against me may be disclosed along with any other relevant information, which may be known to the police.

·        If needed, I understand that, if I am a UK resident, a check will be made with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and that it is an offence for any person to commence Regulated Activity without first providing a valid DBS Disclosure. If I am an overseas resident, I understand that I will need to provide a police check from my home nation if the position I am appointed to requires it.

·        I agree to inform the person within the YWAM base/team responsible for processing applications for Disclosure and Barring Service checks if I am convicted of an offence after I take up any post within YWAM England. I understand that failure to do so may lead to the immediate suspension of my work with children or vulnerable adults and/or the termination of my work/training association with YWAM.

·         I agree to inform the person within YWAM responsible for processing applications for the Disclosure and Barring Service if I become the subject of a police and/or a social services/(Children’s Social care or Adult Social Services)/social work department investigation.

·         I understand that failure to do so may lead to the immediate suspension of my work with children or vulnerable adults and/or the termination of my work/training and association with YWAM.

Additional Medical 


  • Please complete all sections of this reference.
  • If you need more space to answer a question, please use a separate blank document or send us an email to saying PERSONAL HEALTH DISCLOSURE EXTRA INFORMATION
  • Husbands and wives must supply separate medical references
  • We reserve the right to ask you to have a medical reference completed by a medical doctor (or psychiatrist if appropriate), depending on the advice of our Medical Officer
give permission for medical information to be reviewed by YWAM's medical officer (ie registered nurse, medical doctor, psychiatrist or suitably qualified allied health professional) for purposes of assessing my suitability for service with Youth With A Mission. 
I give permission for the release of relevant medical information to the Youth With A Mission Medical Officer in consultation, if necessary, with the personnel manager or team leader only.


Have you ever had or been treated for any of the following?
Yes No

List all the SERIOUS ILLNESS and OPERATIONS you have had in the past. (This means any illness requiring hospital admission, treatment from your doctor for an illness lasting more than one month, or any illness that may have an affect on your health both now and in the future) Please also state the outcome and whether there are any residual problems.

click here to convert your height from another measurement

click here to convert your weight from another measurement
Have you experienced any of the following:
Yes No

Disclosing information in this section does not necessarily preclude you from acceptance. These questions are to help us assess whether YWAMs lifestyle is suitable for you at the present moment.


If these are not available in your country, we will require you to have them within one month of arrival, at your own expense. (This form is not complete until this section has been answered)

Due to our close living conditions, we require all staff and trainees to be up to date with their vaccinations including:

(we require booster within last 10 years, especially if travelling to developing nations)



Please try and select people that have known you for at least two years and please don't choose close family members.
Church Leader Confidential Reference

YWAM Leader Confidential Reference (or Teacher/Employer if no previous YWAM experience)

Mature Christian Friend Reference

Review and Submit

On the next page you can review your full application. If there are any changes you need to make you will be able to go back through your application. 

Once you have reviewed your application please click confirm at the bottom of the review page to send to us.