Literacy Pirates Application Form - Trust and Foundations Officer

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Personal information -  this information is removed during our shorlisting process. We focus on your answers to the questions below first, anonymously, to try and counteract our own biases. 

Education - this information is removed during our shorlisting process, so we consider your talents before your educational background. 


Employment and notice - just to help us with our planning

Making adjustments - again this information is removed during the shortlisitng process and we concentrate on your answers to the questions below. We want to see what you have to offer the charity before we see your disability.

Declarations - this bit we do need to check before your application will be entered into the shortlisting process. 

Shortlisting questions - these questions will be anonymousized and then anaylsised in comparison to other applicants answers by our shortlisting team. Please try not to include identifying information.

The next page is asking for demographic information to help us improve our recruitment. 

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Monitoring information - removed at application stage and stored anonymously. We use this information to monitor and improve our recruitment to ensure we recruit a diverse team. 

Thank you for completing this monitoring information. We will store the information anonymously. It will only be used to help us improve our recruitment processes and ensure we recruit for a more diverse team.