TAP Client Application 

TAP is not a financial institution and does NOT provide cash grants or loans, nor does it provide Legal or Tax Advice. 

We are sorry but at this time you do not qualify for TAP services.

TAP services are best suited to small businesses who are past the start-up stage and have at least twelve months of revenue. If you are a start-up, you are best served by your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC). You can find more information about SBDC here

Enter numbers only

Enter numbers only

Enter numbers only

Demographic questions-Please know that your responses to the below questions are valuable for our reporting purposes.

11. Access to Capital questions 

12. Exit Strategy questions

For "Chase Curated Coaching session", please share the name of the consultant you worked with. For "Other", please share company or person who recommended TAP.

Confirm your understanding
By entering your name below, you confirm your understanding and agreement to your commitment to The Acceleration Project (TAP) regarding the consulting services being provided by TAP. Specifically, you (the Client)
  • shall share with TAP all relevant information regarding your business to the best of your ability; 

  • shall prepare for and attend all scheduled meetings with TAP;

  • shall not share with any third party TAP's confidential information, which includes all of the consulting tools and systems designed and used by TAP in providing the consulting services;

  • shall allow TAP to use the Client’s name, image, and likeness for TAP’s marketing purposes;

  • shall respond to surveys from TAP regarding TAP’s services;

  • represent that you cannot afford to pay for TAP’s services at a market rate; 

  • accept the consulting services on an “as is” basis and acknowledge that TAP disclaims any liability with respect to any outcomes or consequences as a result of the Client implementing the services; and

  • In the event you continue to work with TAP on an in-depth project, you:

    • shall respond to check-ins at three, six, and 12 months after finishing work with TAP, when appropriate