The Literacy Pirates Application Form - Volunteer Engagement Intern

Application Questions:

We shortlist applications based on the answers to these four questions.
Your personal details from pages 2 to 4 will be removed from your application before we begin shortlisting to make sure that we combat our own biases.
After shortlisting we use your work history to help us prepare for your interview. 
Question One:

(Max 200 words)
Question Two:

(Max 200 words)
Question Three:

(Max 200 words)

Personal Information

All information you provide from here on in is removed during our shortlisting process so we can counteract our own biases.
Contact Details


Employment and Notice

Making Adjustments

Work Experience

Please share your work experience, starting with the most recent. For safeguarding purposes, we ask to see a full career history so, if there have been any gaps in your career so far, please outline them below.

To add additional roles, click 'Add another response' below.

(Max 100 words)
Other qualifications, experiences or interests

(Max 200 words)

Monitoring Information

This information is separated from your application and stored anonymously. We use this information to monitor and improve our recruitment to ensure we recruit a diverse team. 

Thank you for completing this monitoring information.