Creative Careers


Beginning on March 5th, AFS Creative Careers will be accepting applications for our Continuing Education Pathway on a rolling basis. Courses in Continuing Education are offered free of charge to individuals who wish to expand their technical knowledge and creative skills. Working professionals in the creative industries at all levels are encouraged to apply for this free training pathway 

Accepted participants are not required to hit a certain number of hours nor take all of the classes we offer, only the ones that they are interested in. Please indicate in your application which classes you’re interested in getting free access to. Note: Class offerings are subject to change.

The Continuing Education pathway is offered three times a year with each session lasting three months long. Deadline to submit for the third session (September 30th to December 20th) is August 28th, 2024 at 11:59PM. AFS is no longer taking applications for the first or second session. 

Eligibility Requirements

• Age 18 and older (Must be at least 18 years old at the start of the program.)
• Demonstrated interest in film and creative media
• Commitment to 3 months of self-paced instruction
• Austin Area Resident (Travis, Williamson, Caldwell, Hays, and Bastrop counties)
• Professional Media Production experience

Program Dates
The Continuing Education pathway is offered three times a year with each session lasting for three months. The 2024 session dates are listed below. Selected applicants will be notified via email by the dates listed next to the session dates.
    1. April 23rd - July 5, 2024 (no longer accepting applications)
    2. July 9th - September 27, 2024 (no longer accepting applications)
    3. September 30th - December 20th, 2024 (Notified by September 4th)
If you apply for the program before August 28th and are accepted, you will be placed in the upcoming September 30th session. If you would like to apply for a later session, please fill out the application at a later date. Please note that completing an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program.  If you are not accepted for the upcoming session, you may reapply for the next session.

Please note that this Pathway is not our AFS Producer Program. Any participants in Continuing Education who wish to join the Producer Program will be required to pay the same subscription and class fees as any other member of the public And take the required classes for certification.

Physical/Environmental/Mental Demands
Sitting and/or standing, keyboarding, reading, grasping, mousing, handwriting for multiple hours per day, lifting maximum weight of 50lbs, ability to process class instruction, create independent processes and orient to the AFS pathway selected are essential requirements of the program.
If you have any questions about the Creative Careers program or this application, please email us at


Please select the general area(s) of interest that you would like to take courses on if selected for this pathway. This does not commit you to a class schedule, but rather provides us with an idea of your professional development interests. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all courses that may be offered in a given session, and that classes are subject to change and availability.


Creative Work / Project Information

From most recent to oldest, please list three previous job, intern, volunteer or school activity experiences. 

Use the following 
format: Organization Name / City & State / Your Title / Start & End Dates / Your Responsibilities


I certify that all of the information submitted by me in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any significant misstatement in, or omission from, this application may be cause for denial of selection as intern or dismissal from an intern position. I authorize the AFS to consult with persons and institutions with which I have been associated who may have information bearing on my professional competence, character and ethical qualifications. I release from liability all individuals and organizations who provide information to the AFS in good faith and without malice concerning my professional competence, ethics, character and other qualifications.
I understand and agree that, as an intern for the AFS, I may have access to sensitive information of a confidential nature and agree to maintain the confidentiality of AFS’ information including its business associates, donors and prospects. I understand that any breach of this agreement would be grounds for dismissal from the program. I understand that the relationship between AFS and myself is strictly voluntary and may be terminated by either party without cause or notice, at any time.