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Freedom Service Dogs Volunteer Application

We found a Recent application on file.  Please contact the volunteer manager if you have additional questions.
Before applying to volunteer, please consider your location when selecting which volunteer opportunities may be of interest to you.  Please note that our facility is located in Englewood, Colorado.

All volunteers must be a minimum of 16 years of age - no exceptions

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Freedom Service Dogs! Our volunteers play an integral role in achieving our mission, and we couldn’t do it without you! 

Please familiarize yourself with the information posted on the volunteer page of our website to ensure our volunteer opportunities are right for you.

Once your application is submitted, anyone over the age of 18 will be required to submit a background check. 

Due to the high volume of applicants, we appreciate your patience as we accept applications as promptly as possible.

Please enter your information below

Volunteer Opportunities
While we encourage volunteers to participate in as many opportunities as they wish, it is helpful for us to know which opportunity most interests you to ensure appropriate onboarding steps are taken. Please select the opportunity that most interests you from the list below. 

Volunteer Personal Information

Current Address

Demographic Information
We are gathering important demographic information to track progress on inclusivity and diversity measures being taken within our organization. To the extent you are comfortable, please select the options that best reflect how you identify.

Emergency Contact

Additional Information

Hidden fields

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Please read through the entire agreement below before submitting your application.

1.       I understand that in order to be considered as a Freedom Service Dogs volunteer, I must submit a $20.50 background check, and that payment is due at the time of submission. I also understand that my volunteering with Freedom Service Dogs is contingent upon the results of the background check, and that Freedom Service Dogs reserves the right to require an additional background check at my expense at any point during my time volunteering.  services to FSD are provided strictly in a voluntary capacity as a Volunteer, and without any express or implied promise of salary, compensation or other payment of any kind.

2.     My services are furnished without any employment-type benefits, including employment insurance programs, worker’s compensation accrual in any form, vacations, or sick time.

3.      I will familiarize myself and comply with FSD’s policies and procedures applicable to Volunteers. In particular, I fully understand that FSD expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment of the animals under its care and of the clients we serve. I will adhere strictly to these standards in my capacity as a Volunteer.

4.     Volunteers must not use or disclose any proprietary or confidential information, including but not limited to clients, donors, volunteers, and staff information, they obtain during their volunteer time with FSD. These obligations remain with volunteers even after their volunteer relationship ends with FSD. Failure to adhere to FSD policies regarding proprietary and confidential information will be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination as an FSD volunteer.

5.     I understand that FSD, without notice or hearing, may terminate my services as a Volunteer at any time, with or without reason.

6.     I understand that the handling of animals and other activities on behalf of FSD may place me in a hazardous situation and could result in injury to me or my personal property. On behalf of myself, and my heirs, personal representatives and assigns, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless FSD and its directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, causes of action and demands of any nature, whether known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with my Volunteer activities on behalf of FSD.

7.     Understanding that public relations is an important part of a Volunteer’s activities on behalf of FSD, I do hereby consent and agree that Freedom Service Dogs, Inc., its employees, volunteers, or agents have the right take photographs, videotape, sound recordings, or digital recordings of me while I am working on Freedom’s behalf and to use these in any and all media for the purpose of promoting the mission of Freedom Service Dogs. I do hereby release to Freedom Service Dogs, Inc., its agents, and employees all rights to exhibit this work in print and electronic form publicly or privately. I waive any rights, claims, or interest I may have to copyright or control the use of my identity or likeness in whatever media used. Any right to inspect, approve, or disapprove any such pictures or recordings is hereby waived by the undersigned. I understand that there will be no financial or other compensation for photographing or recording me. I release Freedom Service Dogs, Inc. and its legal representatives from any legal responsibility related to the photograph or video in which I am included.

8.     I agree to stay home should I experience any symptoms related to a communicable disease of any kind. I will not enter the Freedom Service Dogs facility should I develop such symptoms to ensure potential illness does not spread to staff or other volunteers.

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have read this document in its entirety and fully understand the information presented.

I represent I am at least 16 years of age; I have read and understand the foregoing statement; and I am competent to execute this agreement.

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I hereby agree to accept full responsibility for the foster dog assigned to my care from Freedom Service Dogs (FSD). I agree to provide adequate care; including nutrition, exercise, and a loving environment for the dog while it is under my care. I agree to provide all medications and supplements to my foster dog as instructed by FSD. I also understand that I am responsible for maintaining the dogs’ training and that the dog will lose skills if his or her training is not properly sustained. I will not train tricks or anything of the sort without trainer’s consent.

I agree and understand that if FSD at any time in the future deems, in its sole discretion that I am not complying with the foster and training requirements or that the dog’s welfare is in jeopardy, it may remove the dog. If a dog in my care is removed from my home, I understand I will not be eligible to foster for FSD in the future.  

Reasons for removal include, but are not limited to:

1.       Any indication of the volunteer’s noncompliance with foster or training requirements.

2.     Volunteer’s inability, due to physical, mental, or emotional reasons, to properly care for the dog.

3.     Any evidence of abuse or neglect of the dog, including failure to provide appropriate veterinary or nutritional care of the dog.

4.     Any evidence that the dog is a danger to the public.

Please Note: FSD Dogs have been evaluated for our training program; however, we can not predict all potential problems or behaviors with this dog.

I hereby waive any right that my family, successors, or I might otherwise have to be reimbursed by FSD or any FSD employee or volunteers. I also waive any right for reimbursement from FSD or FSD employee or volunteer for any injury or damage that my family, guest, property, or I might suffer either directly or indirectly, resulting from the actions inactions of the foster dog. 

I agree that if having an FSD dog in my home for any reason does not work out, I agree to contact and return the dog to FSD.

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have read the above in its entirety and agree to its terms and conditions.