Furthermore, you consent that the following party may obtain the information described above with any and all direct identifiers (individual’s name and contact information will be deleted before sharing): the U.S. Department of Education and its authorized contractor(s).
No health and mental health care provider, including and without limitation, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, La Familia Counseling Service, Alameda County Public Health Department, and CSUEB, will share any protected health information with authorized partners of HPN based on this consent agreement.
This agreement constitutes the granting of consent for the disclosure of protected education information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to entities and authorized partners of the Hayward Promise Neighborhoods (HPN) initiative at California State University, East Bay.
This consent agreement releases all Hayward Promise Neighborhoods (HPN) entities and authorized partners and their officers, agents, Board of Supervisors, and employees from any and all liability connected with the use or disclosure of your personally identifiable information.
For additional information please view our website www.haywardpromise.org and/or contact:
Carolyn Nelson, HPN Principal Investigator, carolyn.nelson@csueastbay.edu
Edgar Chávez, HPN Executive Director, 510-885-3994, edgar.chavez@csueastbay.edu
Junia Kim, Director Program and Evaluation HPN, 510-885-3524,
Mariana Triviso, HUSD-HPN Coordinator, 510-723-3857 ext. 34160, mtriviso@husd.us