2025 - 2026 Interest Form: RTS Career Readiness Program 

Our 2024-25 application has closed as of Feb. 2024. Please submit an interest form below to receive updates on when the 2025-26 RTS Scholar application opens. 


Thank you for your interest in the RTS Scholarship and Internship Program for 2025-2026 academic year! 

Become an RTS Scholar and create your own personal path to career success! The RTS Scholarship and Internship Program is designed to unlock your potential by providing you with the coaching, connections, and community you need to launch your career and graduate. We do this by providing

  • 1:1 Individualized Career Coaching 
  • Exclusive Internship and Job placements
  • Networking opportunities with RTS professionals and RTS alumni
  • Targeted Financial Support 
  • Basic Needs advising to support mental health and wellbeing
  • RTS Scholars need to identify as system-impacted background*
*Foster system / Foster care, Kin Gap Care, Adopted, Institutionalized group home, Legal guardianship, Wards of the court, Unaccompanied homeless youth
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a California-based institution for Fall 2025 - Spring 2026.
  • The program is designed to be a 3-year program, where we ideally begin to work with students after their first year of undergraduate studies until their graduation. Because of this, RTS has a strong preference for applicants who are pursuing a bachelor's degree with a target graduation date of May 2028 or later. However, all years are still welcome to apply and admission will be considered, if space permits!

Interested in becoming an RTS Scholar? Submit this interest form and we will send you the 2025-26 application once it opens [date TBD]. 

Questions? Email: advisors@readytosucceedla.org

Virtual Office Hours
Learn more about the Ready to Succeed Scholarship and Internship Program by meeting with RTS staff member, Adri: calendly.com/rts-adri/15min

Please briefly explain.

Please list the term and year. (i.e. Fall 2024)

Please note: Due to the structure of our program, RTS has a strong preference for applicants who are currently in their first year of their undergraduate studies, and/or are on track to graduate in Spring 2028 or later. However, all class standings are still welcome to apply!

Please briefly explain.

We know this can change, but as of now, what month do you anticipate graduating?

We know this can change, but as of now, what year do you anticipate graduating?

We know this can change, but as of now, what is your current or expected major(s)? If you are undecided, please write "undecided."

Application- Hidden for Now
Welcome to the Full Application!

*********[this language would replace the current language seen at the start of the form]*********

Thank you for your interest in the Ready To Succeed Scholarship and Internship Program for 2024-2025 academic year! We are interested in learning more about you, your career goals, and how you think RTS can help you.

Become an RTS Scholar and create your own personal path to career success! The RTS Scholarship and Internship Program is designed to unlock your potential by providing you with the coaching, connections, and community you need to launch your career and graduate. We do this by providing

  • 1:1 Individualized Career Coaching 
  • Exclusive Internship and Job placements
  • Networking opportunities with RTS professionals and RTS alumni
  • Targeted Financial Support 
  • Basic Needs advising to support mental health and wellbeing
  • RTS Scholars need to identify as system-impacted background* Foster system / Foster care, Kin Gap Care, Adopted, Institutionalized group home, Legal guardianship, Wards of the court, Unaccompanied homeless youth
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a California-based institution for Fall 2024.
  • The program is designed to be a 3-year program, where we ideally begin to work with students after their first year of undergraduate studies until their graduation. Because of this, RTS has a strong preference for applicants who are pursuing an undergraduate degree with a target graduation date of May 2027 or later. However, all years are still welcome to apply and admission will be considered, if space permits!

Application Deadline: Monday, February 26th at 11:59PM PST

  • Interviews will take place March/April 2024. 
  • Orientation and Camp Ready will orient you into the program summer 2024.
  • Program Participation will start in Fall 2024.

Application Length and Additional Information to Prepare:
Depending on how reflective you are and how much you choose to write, the application could take anywhere from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. You will be asked to submit your resume and transcripts. Click here for resources to support you in starting a resume. If you do not have any work experience, that is OK! You can list any extracurriculars you are a part of, leadership roles, class projects, etc. 

We suggest preparing your responses to these 2 questions prior to starting the application: 
1) Why would you like to be considered for the RTS Program? What are you hoping to gain as an RTS Scholar? (suggested 500 words) 
2) Tell Me About Yourself (creative freedom in how you answer this question through either a 1-2 minute video, 250 - 500 word personal statement, or 8-10 google slide deck). 

Virtual Info Sessions and Office Hours: Learn more about the Ready to Succeed Scholarship and Internship Program for 2024-2025 by attending an upcoming Info Session (RSVP here). If you need support with your application, resume, and/or have any questions about the program, please schedule a time for us to chat: calendly.com/rts-adri/15min


We look forward to receiving your application! 
If you need to come back to this application later: Select "Save and Resume" at the top right. You will not be able to edit your answers once you click the "Submit" button and submit the application. You will be able to return to the application to pick up where you left off and/or edit previous responses until you submit the application or the deadline passes. 

Questions? Email: advisors@readytosucceedla.org



Please note: Due to the structure of our program, RTS has a strong preference for applicants who will complete their undergraduate degree in Spring 2027 or later. 



At RTS, we consider you a first-generation college student if you're getting the first 4-year bachelor's degree in your household--even if you have a sibling who has received/is receiving one too.

Please select how you identify.

Please select ALL that apply.

Regardless of the college you attend, do you consider yourself a Southern California resident? We are defining SoCal as any county from Ventura, LA, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego.

Regardless of the college you attend, do you consider your home base LA county? Note: LA county is more than the city of LA. It runs from San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys in the north, all the way down around Long Beach in the south.
College and Career Details

RTS has NO minimum GPA.

We know this can change, but what is your current plans after college?

Please be as specific as you can be.

Please explain your answer above.

PDF strongly preferred. If you do not have any work experience, that is OK! You can list any extracurriculars you are a part of, leadership roles, class projects, etc. Click here for resources to support you in starting a resume. 
Tell us about yourself and why you're interested in RTS?!

The RTS Program!

Our goal at RTS is to get you work and world ready. We do that by developing your career competencies, expanding your network, and building your experiences through:

  • 1:1 Individualized Career Coaching 
  • Exclusive Internship and Job placements
  • Networking opportunities with RTS professionals and RTS alumni
  • $$ Targeted Financial Support $$
  • Basic Needs advising to support mental health and wellbeing

If selected as an RTS Scholar, I am committed to my personal and professional development and agree to be an active participant in the RTS Program and complete the necessary requirements which amounts to at minimum, 2 - 4  hours a month – part of which includes: 
  • attend Orientation and Camp Ready
  • a check-in with an RTS advisor, 
  • attending any of the offered mandatory RTS workshops
  • and making progress on my individual career action plan and goals.

*Please note: there is flexibility with the above items as long as you are transparent, honest, and communicative with your RTS advisor should you be admitted into the program.