In person Friday February 21, and Saturday February 22, 2025 + Virtual 


The Call for Papers for the 12th Annual International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference (IPFDC) is now open! 

  • The conference will be held in person and online virtual live Friday, February 21 and Saturday February 22, 2025 in Phoenix, Arizona
  • The conference will also be held on-demand after the live event 

As we return to in-person events we want to make sure our educational content is accessible and are committed to continuing offering our conference virtually. Please note as you complete this call that there is an option for you to present in-person. 

This conference brings together families and healthcare professionals from around the world to share their experiences and expertise in caring for children with pediatric feeding disorder (PFD). Join us so we can work together to improve the system of care for children with PFD.

At the 2025 IPFDC, we want to celebrate our core values of innovation, inclusion and collaboration among the four domains that create the foundation for pediatric feeding disorder. We aim to provide attendees with the latest clinical education, clinical innovation, research, and an enhanced awareness of the lived experience to improve the system of care for children with PFD. To meet this goal, Feeding Matters is seeking presenters to share their knowledge, experience, and skills relating to the field of PFD. Student projects, trainees, parent projects and work presented previously at other conferences are welcome.


60-minute SESSION

  • 45-minute live OR virtual presentation

  • 15-minute live Q&A (for live ONLY)

  • virtual presentation will be pre-recorded (no Live Q&A)

20-minute SESSION

  • 20-minute live OR virtual presentation

  • virtual presentation will be pre-recorded 

Lightning talk 

  • 5-minute live OR virtual presentation

  • virtual presentation will be pre-recorded 


All presentations must:

  • Encourage discussion or review. Accepted submissions usually include abstracts discussing: programs, projects, studies, interventions, case studies, topics (i.e., emerging perspectives), lived experiences, clinical innovations, research, Quality Improvement (QI) projects, demonstrate Evidence Based Practice (EBP), or family integrated/centered care.
  • Define outcomes, articulate the impact and/or measurable results in the field of PFD.
  • Focus on family-integrated centered care, evidence-informed practice, and/or research.

To be considered, abstracts must include the following:

  • Background, central questions, statement of problem, or overall purpose of the presentation.
  • Significance of the topic addressed and its implications for the field of PFD.
  • Description of the topic, project, program, study, intervention, model, and approach, including procedures and methodology where relevant.
  • Results, findings, institution approved IRBs, and conclusions including relevance to the care of children with PFD.
  • Data that is measurable and evidence informed.
  • Minimum of 3 learning objectives written with the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy action verbs. Please visit this website https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/ for examples. To be approved for accreditation all objectives must be measurable and observable.
  • At least 5 peer reviewed citations less than 10 years old that provide the foundation for the presentation or evidence of the topic being described.
The first author listed will be the author who is presenting. Presenting authors on all accepted abstracts must register for the conference and present the abstract. Co-authors cannot present in place of the presenting author. 

To be considered, presenters must submit the following:

  • This general application form 
  • A 50-word presentation summary for marketing materials
  • A 350-word abstract
  • Bio and CV/resume for each author listed
  • Financial and non-financial 2025 DISCLOSURES FORM HERE for each author listed (anyone with influence over content)

Submissions are more likely to be accepted if they are original, evidence informed, have measurable results, are innovative, include and recognize diversity, family-centered, collaborative and contribute to the scholarly and clinical practice of PFD.

Submissions for all formats are welcome. Please specify if you are willing to submit your work to be considered for multiple formats when completing the general application. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.

Due to our accreditation affiliations, we ask you to be cognizant of any potential conflicts of interest in your content. Promotion of any product or program endorsement is not allowed in the presentation itself or any of the accompanying materials (PowerPoint presentation, handouts, video recordings). Questions regarding this or any other detail or question can be emailed to aflicek@feedingmatters.org

To complete your abstract please complete this online application: 


Complete this form, the linked disclosure form and press the “Submit FINAL proposal” button. Once your abstract is submitted you will receive a confirmation email from Feeding Matters. The committee convenes in July to review abstracts. All authors will be notified early fall with next steps.



Any person that influences the content of this submission must complete the 2025 disclosure form and statements below. This includes all presenting authors and any other co-authors that have had any influence on the content of this talk. 

Authors are asked to identify any potential conflict of interest related to the content offered (i.e commercial interest, affiliation with a vendor, and/or receipt of royalties) and affirm that their presentations will not be used to sell a product or service. Feeding Matters exerts the right to rescind the acceptance of an abstract due to any conflict of interest discovered after the fact. 

All individuals in a position to influence and/or control the content of activities are required to disclose that the individual either has no relevant financial relationships or any financial relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in activities.

An ineligible company is defined as any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients

A conflict of interest will be considered to exist if the individual has received financial benefits in any amount from an ineligible company/commercial interest within the past 24 months AND that individual is in a position to affect the content regarding the products or services of the ineligible company.

Individuals are required to disclose the following information:
• name of the individual
• name of the ineligible company
• nature of the financial relationship the individual has with each ineligible company

Click "Add A Co-Author" to add additional authors. 


All Session Abstracts Should Include: 

  • Background, central questions, statement of problem, or overall purpose of the presentation.
  • Significance of the topic addressed and its implications for the field of PFD.
  • Description of the topic, project, program, study, intervention, model, and approach, including procedures and methodology where relevant.
  • Results, findings, institution approved IRBs, and conclusions including relevance to the care of children with PFD.
  • Data that is measurable and evidence informed.
  • Minimum of 3 learning objectives written with the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy action verbs. Please visit this website https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/ for examples. To be approved for accreditation all objectives must be measurable and observable.
  • At least 5 peer reviewed citations less than 10 years old that provide the foundation for the presentation or evidence of the topic being described.


Three learning objectives:
*Use Bloom's Taxonomy when selecting verbs


By submitting my abstract, I acknowledge the following (please review and select all to proceed):

The International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference Committee receives more proposals than can be accommodated within the time and space available. Careful attention to these criteria is likely to increase the chance for acceptance.

Conference abstracts undergo an anonymous, systematic, peer-review process.  They are rated and scored using a uniform set of criteria by a minimum of two independent reviewers from the conference committee.  The reviews are then discussed in a private session of the conference committee.  Any discrepancies in scores are discussed and consensus is made in a confidential conference meeting session. Due to the limited number of sessions, accepted abstracts are based upon scores and alignment of the abstract with the overall conference educational agenda. 

Conflicts of interest, or any appearance of conflicts of interest are actively handled by the Feeding Matters staff liaison and the chair of committee adhering to the PFD Alliance conflict of interest policy.


To complete your abstract, be sure to press the “Submit FINAL Proposal” button. Once your abstract proposal is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation of submission from Feeding Matters. If you do not see this in your inbox, please check your junk mailbox. If you still don't see a confirmation please email aflicek@feedingmatters.org.

Thank you so much for taking the time to submit your presentation for our 2025 conference! We are so excited to review it and connect.

Regardless of acceptance status, an email notification will be sent to you in August, 2024.


If your abstract proposal has been accepted, you must confirm your presentation via the online Author Agreement (link in notification email) by September 1, 2024. If you do not respond by this date, the acceptance of your abstract proposal may be withdrawn.

July 12, 2024

Call for Papers Deadline

August, 2024
All Authors Notified

September 1, 2024
Author Agreements Due

December 1, 2024
Session materials due (PowerPoint Slide decks and PDF 6-slide per page handouts in black and white)

December 20, 2024
All virtual ONLY pre-recorded sessions will be due.

February 21 and 22, 2025

12th Annual IPFDC- In Person in Phoenix, AZ + virtual