ECE Mentor Teacher Program

School Application

This application should be completed by a school administrator, ideally ECE Director, for their educators applying to participate in the ECE Mentor Teacher Program starting in the 2024-2025 school year. 

The ECE Mentor Teacher Program is an opportunity for educators from BJE-affiliated Early Childhood Centers to learn how to be successful mentor teachers, concurrently mentor a teacher within their school site, become part of a cohort of educators, and receive on-going support as they become established mentor teachers within their institution. Participants will commit to a two-year program to begin their mentoring journey.


Participants will enroll in American Jewish University’s (AJU) Jewish Education Excellence Project (JEEP): Mentor Teacher Training for the 2024-2025 school year. The program consists of a 10 month certification program earning 3 academic units. The program begins with a 3-day intensive workshop from August 6-8, 2024 then the cohort will physically meet once a month. Each participant also has a monthly one-on-one session with the AJU faculty.


Following the initial year (2024-2025), participants will form a Community of Practice with BJE staff for the 2025-2026 school year. The CoP will support participants as they continue to mentor a teacher within their school and offer professional development towards creating a “mentoring culture” at their school. 

BJE and AJU will each contribute $500 towards the $2500 AJU mentor course tuition, leaving a participant fee of $1500. BJE will pay the full cost of the second year of the program. 

Please note that there are 3 different forms that need to be filled out for each applicant: 

  1. A separate educator application must be completed by the participant
  2. This school application to be completed by a school administrator 
  3. The participant must complete AJU's application for JEEP Mentor Teacher Training
Applications are due by June 1, 2024.

Once all applications have been completed and received, participants will be considered for admission to the BJE Cohort.

Section 2:  Please Respond to Questions in the Spaces Below


Please reach out with any questions to Carly Rosenstein, Director, Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Education at