2024-25 CHAMPS School Sign Up Form 

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The CHAMPS program harnesses the transformative power of sport to enhance children's mental health, leadership skills, and physical activity. Through the CHAMPS Curriculum-- highlighting values such as Courage, Honesty, and Accountability-- participating schools receive monthly materials and on-demand videos, allowing them to integrate these concepts into their schedules flexibly. Additionally, Athletes for Hope may facilitate athlete visits, either virtually or in-person, to reinforce the core CHAMPS principles. The program starts on October 1st with a focus on Courage and progresses through the curriculum, concluding with Strength in in April. 

Here is an example of the CHAMPS on-demand videos:

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey! We cannot guarantee that every school will get a virtual or in-person visit as they are athlete-driven, but we will do our best to connect you! If you have any questions please contact Chris Wyttenbach at cwyttenbach@athletesforhope.org