2025 Registration

Choose Your Jewish Adventure

2024-25 Torah High OTTAWA Registration

If you require assistance at any time during the registration process, please call us at 905 761 6279 x 245 or email: rotenbergd@ncsy.org.

Student Details

In this section, you will be filling out the student's contact details.
Student Name

This is the primary mode of communication for updates, marks, and events. Make sure you provide an email you check regularly!

Are you signing up because a Friend shared Torah High with you?

Please select one of the following

Address Information

School Information

Please indicate which school you are currently enrolled at or plan on attending.

It is in your best interest to submit all educational supporting documentation no later than August 31, 2024 to the Torah High office or email ottawa@ncsy.ca

Medical Information

Emergency Contact

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2

Choose Your Course

What is a Course?

Choosing a course is your way to customize your Torah High experience. Every course at Torah High contains a set of integrative experiences. With access to seminars, great trips, and other opportunities to complement the materials, there is no better way to explore your Jewish Identity!

All classes in Ottawa take place at the NCSY Center at 261 Centrepointe Drive.

What grade will you be in for the 2024-25 school year?

Requirements for completing a course are:

Attending Classes Regularly

Completing all class work

Attending at least one NCSY "Learn & Earn" Session

Attending a Shabbat meal hosted by Torah High or a local NCSY staff

Summer 2025

NCSY Summer trips to Israel are awesome and affordable.

If you would like to learn more and be invited to an info session about summer opportunities for 2025 please let us know and we will be in touch.


Pay What You Can for Jewish Education: Tuition - 100% Tax Deductible
Pay What You Can for Jewish Education: Tuition - 100% Tax Deductible


As Jews living in Canada, we strive to maintain our cohesiveness as a community that continues to engage in Jewish life and communal institutions. We try to inculcate in our children an allegiance to Israel and hope that our children will raise their children with a sense of Jewish identity. 

The best way to do that is through Jewish education.

Since 2002, Torah High has been doing all it can to keep the cost of tuition down by highly subsidizing courses, food, busing, materials, and events.

You will receive a tax receipt for the amount of tuition you pay. 

A $50 non-refundable fee is levied toward your tuition.
No refunds can be processed after November 1, 2024.

Please note - a 3% service charge will be levied on credit card payment methods. First credit card payment will be immediate, and subsequent ones on the month(s) following.



Expiration Date