40 INVEST Programme 

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Before you start

You will need an electronic copy of the following documents to attach with your application:
  • Your governing document (signed by an office bearer)
  • Minutes of your most recent AGM
  • A recent bank statement (within last 3 months)
  • We will check the Charity Commission website for your accounts, so make sure they are up to date. 
In this form, we will be asking you questions about:
  • Contact details of a main contact and your Chairperson
  • The activities of your charity
  • The funding you need, including details of your beneficiaries
  • The budget
  • Most recent financial information, including income, expenditure and reserves
We will support 10 charities with this fund. As such, it will be a highly competitive process and yield a high unsuccessful rate. There will be a 2-stage assessment process. Your project must support people considered in greatest need. Your application will also be scored in the following areas:
  • Need for the support that you provide to those considered in greatest need
  • Benefit that you are providing
  • Duplication of services
  • Charity development
  • Value for money


To be considered for funding, all answers must be 'yes' to the following criteria. If you have any questions, please contact us at grants@halifaxfoundationni.org or 02890 323 000
 Your group needs to be registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland or other charity regulator within the UK or Ireland. If you are registered, your application must support people from Northern Ireland.
 Your total charity income needs to be less than £250,000 as shown on your most recent set of signed accounts. 
 In addition, you must follow the rules around the minimum number of Trustees/Board Members as set out in your governing document.
 You will not be able to submit an application if you do not have adequate insurance cover to run your charity and activities contained in this application.
 We do not accept applications completed by a professional fundraising consultant. If you need support to complete this application, sign up for one of our monthly support sessions at grants@halifaxfoundationni.org
Organisation Details
Organisation Details
Please Include Area Code
Correspondence Details (If different from above)
Main Contact Information
This should be the person who is best placed to discuss this application.
Registered Charity Details
Just the Registered Charity "Number" no pre-letters required.

Background To Charity and Present Activities

Please do not provide any personal details (e.g. name) of any individuals in this section.
Background to Charity
Please do not leave any of these fields blank. Enter 0 (zero) where applicable.

Target Area
The Foundation has two main target areas - Education/Training and Social/Community Welfare.

Target Community

Present Activities

Details of Funding Needed

Please do not provide any personal details (e.g. name) of any individuals in this section.
Description (200 word limit)

Project Priority (200 word limit)

Project Priority (200 word limit)
Year One Objectives
Outline briefly two objectives for this funding and how these will be achieved

Note: we will ask you about these objectives at evaluation stage should you be successful.

Year Two Objectives
Outline briefly two objectives for this funding and how these will be achieved

Note: we will ask you about these objectives at evaluation stage should you be successful.

If the same people will benefit  on multiple occasions, only record them once.
(200 word limit)

Funding Required

PLEASE NOTE: We envisage that demand will outstrip our 40 INVEST budget. Please be realistic and only apply for what you need.

In the form below, please provide a detailed breakdown of the costs you require for each year for this project. Budget items must be 'at actual cost' to the organisation, and not inflated or marked-up. You may apply for up to £20,000 each year for 2 years. The amount must not exceed £20,000 per year.

10% per year (up to £2,000 per annum) may remain unallocated to allow you to respond to your community's immediate needs. If you would like to use this, record it in your budget below as 'CONTINGENCY' and ensure that the amount is included in your overall budget.

Please enter amounts rounded up to the nearest pound.

Example 1;
Item or Activity: Community Development Officer salary: 5 hours per week x 40 weeks x £21.35 per hour
Amount Requested:  £4,270

Example 2;
Item or Activity: Workshop facilitation: 3 hours x £35 per hour x 10 workshops 
Amount Requested:  £1,050

Year one
Year one Item or Activity
Year Two
Year Two Item or Activity
Grand total

Living Wage Friendly Funder

The Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland is a Living Wage Friendly Funder. 

To find out more click here


Digital Support
We may be in a position to support your charity with a PC, Laptop or Tablet for Administration purposes. This is offered through a partnership with Computer Recyclers UK.
Tick below if you wish to be considered for this support. 
Note: By ticking this box, you allow the Foundation to share your details with Computer Recyclers UK for delivery/warranty purposes

Financial History

Please provide financial information relating to your most recent signed accounts.
Please only type numbers into money boxes marked with a £.
Do not use decimals or commas and round up to the nearest pound.
For example, £5,000.00 should be entered as 5000, £50.00 should be entered as 50
Negative values should be proceeded by a minus sign, e.g. -2500
Financial History (Most Recent)
Please note: As per our guidance,  if your charity holds unrestricted reserves of over 12 months running costs, we are unlikely to be able to support you at this time, unless funds are earmarked for a specific purpose.

Supporting Documents

Please upload and attach an electronic copy of the following documents. 
Click 'Choose file' then attach.

Adopted constitution/memorandum/articles/Trust deed which have been signed by an office bearer

Please provide the most recent bank statement of your main account. We must see at least one month of transactions . It must be within the last 3 months. 

If you are applying for a grant towards salary costs.


Declaration of Chairperson
Please provide contact details for the current Chairperson of your charity. Note: If the Chairperson is listed as the main contact on Page 1, please provide details of another Committee Member/Trustee.
Chairperson/Committee Member Contact Information
Include area code
PLEASE NOTE:  This form must be completed in full and submitted with all the supporting documentation before your application can be considered by the Foundation. 

Upon clicking PROCEED TO SIGNATURE you will be taken to a page where you can review the information you are submitting to us. You will also be asked to electronically sign your name either by using your mouse to 'sign' on the line, or by selecting the 'type your name to sign' option box. You must also provide a valid email address (this can be the same as you provided on Page 1 of the Application form). Once you are happy with the information provided and have filled out your ESignature for you can then click the Submit Signed Response button. 

Once this is done you will receive an email with a verification link to confirm your signature. Hence the need for a valid email address. This is very importantwithout confirming your signature we may be unable to progress your application.

If we offer you a grant, we will publish information about your organisation including name, location and the activity we have funded (project description), date awarded and grant amount.  We are proud to be working with 360Giving, helping us to share this information.