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Membership Options


Join VLA and save up to 50% on workshops and CLE classes. Becoming a member also supports VLA’s efforts on behalf of the arts community.

  • Opportunities to volunteer for in-house consultations with artists (for attorneys with more than three years of experience, or in conjunction with a more senior attorney)
  • Discounted VLA Educational and CLE programs
  • Invitations to opening and cocktail receptions for select art events
  • Member discount for tickets to VLA’s fall benefit
  • Access to career counseling services
  • Opportunities to be a speaker for in-person classes in your area of expertise


VLA’s membership category exclusively for young lawyers and professionals in their first four years of practice. Enjoy all the benefits of individual members, as well as a discounted membership fee and discounted rate for career counseling services.


A private one-hour session in which we will review your resume as well as discuss your career goals and broader interests. During the session, we will also talk about an overall strategy for achieving your goals and identify specific steps you can take toward pursuing a legal career in art, entertainment, and intellectual property.

VLA's Educational Membership is for artists interested in our workshops, seminars, and other educational events. Designed to offer arts-related legal knowledge in an accessible format, our programs provide valuable information on topics such as copyright, contracts, nonprofit formation, and much more.

With this membership, you will receive access to Arts Professional Member pricing for one year:

Course Non-Members Members
Forming a Non-Profit $150 $100
All other classes $55 $35

NOTE: This discounted membership level does not include access to legal assistance. If you have a legal issue for which you are seeking help, please fill out an intake form.

Contact Information

Payment Information
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