Empowering Children and Young People

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Completing your application

Thank you for your interest in our Empowering Children and Young People funding round. The purpose of this funding is to support projects that inspire, empower, and inform vision impaired children and young people, providing them with robust support mechanisms and life-long skills that give them opportunities to thrive. We will be distributing project grants of up to £30,000. Please review our funding criteria here to check that you are eligible for funding before proceeding. 

In addition to completing this form, we’re asking applicants to upload a project proposal of up to 750 words. This is an opportunity to present the details of your project and the impact you are hoping to see. Guidelines for the proposal can be found here.

The deadline for applications is Monday October 14th, 11:59pm.

Following receipt of your application, we may contact you to arrange a short call if there is anything we’d like to check or clarify prior to assessing your application.

If you have queries or require assistance in completing your application, please email: socialchange@fightforsight.org.uk

Section A: About your organisation
Please enter numbers only. Do not include spaces.
Primary contact (for queries relating to your application)
Please enter numbers only. Do not include spaces.

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Section B: About your project

Section C: Project finances
Please enter numbers only
Please enter numbers only

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Section D: Due Diligence
Your Audited Accounts
Provide a link to your most recent, audited accounts (if this is available online) or upload a copy below with the "Choose file" button. You must provide one or the other as your  accounts are required. 
Note: Web links are restricted to 255 characters long. If your link is longer and you are getting an error above then replace the link with a concise description and email the link to socialchange@fightforsight.org.uk

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Section E: Referees
Please provide the details of two referees. They could be a partner organisation, funder or service user but should not hold any formal or paid role within your organisation. 

Please ensure that they have given consent to be contacted by us. 
Referee 1
Please enter numbers only, without spaces
Referee 2
Please enter numbers only, without spaces

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Section F: Declaration
I confirm that the information provided in the proposal is correct at the time of submission, and that I have the full authority of the organisation named on this application to submit this proposal. If there is any change then Fight For Sight will be notified at the earliest opportunity.
Review and submit
When you have fully completed your application, please click the Review button below. You will be given the opportunity to check your answers before final submission. Please proofread your proposal and ensure it is easy to understand from the perspective of someone new to your work. 

You will also be able to print and save your answers. (To save your answers, click the 'Print this Page' option, then select the destination as 'Save as PDF' instead of your printer.)