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About the AASW Life Membership Award  

The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), awards Life Membership to members who have made a significant, direct contribution to the AASW. Such contribution may relate to policy development, practice groups, officeholder roles or other pertinent activities and involvement that have directly contributed to the ongoing development, success, effectiveness, or advocacy of the AASW.
Life Membership acknowledges an AASW member who has exemplified the best of the Association’s values, through demonstrated practice and accomplishments, that have had a direct impact on the Association.
Life Membership is normally awarded towards the end of a member’s career or at retirement.

The nominee must:

  • Be a current financial member of the AASW
  • Be of good standing with the AASW
  • Have made a significant, direct contribution to the AASW. Such contribution may relate to policy development, practice groups, officeholder roles or other pertinent activities and involvement that have directly contributed to the ongoing development, success, effectiveness, or advocacy of the AASW.

The nominator must:

  • Be a current, financial member of the AASW
  • Demonstrate the nominee’s significant direct contribution made to AASW, by way of office bearer roles, committees, etc.
  • Provide all essential information needed to meet the specified criteria for a comprehensive nomination. Wherever possible it is suggested that the nominator engage with the nominee and others as necessary to obtain relevant information
  • Complete the Life Membership and provide supporting evidence in the form of a career summary; officeholder positions held within the AASW, including clear evidence of the length of tenure on AASW committees, highlights and key achievements that directly contributed to the ongoing development, success, effectiveness, or advocacy of the AASW
  • As the information in the application is the basis for decision-making, please provide as detailed information as possible about the nominee,
Further details can be found in our Guidelines for AASW Life Membership. 

Please complete all sections to ensure the nomination is valid Nominations must be emailed to ceo@aasw.asn.au by no later than 5pm AEST on Friday 27 September 2024. 
Life Membership nomination form 
Nominator contact details 

I declare that the Nominee meets the general and specific eligibility requirements as outlined in the Guidelines for AASW Life Membership document.