2025 Sunrise Retreat Family Application

Our Sunrise Retreat is designed to serve families that have lost a child due to cancer. Our aim is to provide families with a safe place to connect and heal from the pain of losing their loved one. 

Program Eligibility:

  • Families must have lost a child to cancer within the past 1 - 5 years.

  • Immediate family members living at home may attend a retreat (limited to 2 adults and siblings under the age of 21). Mom and dad must attend the retreat unless you are a single parent. Single parents are welcome to bring a support person who has walked through their cancer journey with them.

  • Retreats fill on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to first-time families.

  • Families are responsible for travel to and from retreat. All costs associated with food, and planned retreat activities while at the retreat are covered by Lighthouse Family Retreat.

Retreat Dates
Sunrise Retreat 
October 12-18, 2025
Bald Head Island, NC
Primary Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Child who fought Cancer Information

Second Adult?
A second adult must be the cancer child's parent/step-parent unless you are a single parent.
If you are a single parent you are welcome to bring a support person who has supported you through your family's cancer journey.  
Adult 2 Information

In order to attend a retreat, siblings need to be under the age of 21 and currently living at home.
Please complete the Sibling Information section below for each sibling that will be attending the retreat.
Sibling Information

To add another sibling, click on "Add another response" above.
Family Information

Family Favorites
Please share each family member's favorites for each category below.
Example: Mom - Chocolate Kisses; Dad - Gummy Bears; Brian - Twix Bars; Jane - Sour Worms

Media Release
I hereby grant permission to Lighthouse Family Retreat to use or publicly display my photograph or my child’s photograph, video image, or audio clip on the organization’s website, individual web pages, or in other official publications without further notice.  I acknowledge the organization’s right to crop, edit, or treat the photograph, video or audio clip at its discretion.

I also understand that once my photograph, or my child’s photograph, video image or audio clip is published on a website, it can be downloaded by any computer user, on or offsite.  I understand my name or my child’s name may be published along with any photo or video picture.

Therefore, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the members and/or staff of Lighthouse Family Retreat, it’s officers, employees, agents, successors and assignees (the “indemnified parties”) from and against any and all claims and liabilities resulting from this publishing.