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Helpful Information
  • Using this application you can apply for multiple scholarships at once.  
  • You can only submit one application per academic year.
  • Once you hit the confirm button you cannot go back and edit your submission.
  • We recommend saving your progress along the way by checking the box above and completing the appropriate steps.  
  • Saving your progress as you go will enable you to return to your application before submitting it. Which will be helpful if you need time to collect attachments or work on your essay response(s). 
  • Each scholarship will have an essay requirement.  
  • Some scholarships require additional attachments such as letters of recommendation. 
  • The information you provide will be verified after your submission.
Your Information

How can I retrieve it? If you have forgotten your NSHE ID, please call the OTS Help Desk at (702) 651-4357 (HELP) for assistance.
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Scholarship Selection
Listed below are the CSN Foundation Scholarships available via application and their respective requirements and criteria.  Please read and review each scholarship and their criteria.  Then select "yes" for those scholarships you qualify for and would like to apply to and select "no" for those you are not interested in applying for. 

You can choose to apply for multiple scholarships at this time.  Each scholarship application will require an essay response and some might require additional attachments such as a transcript or letters of recommendation.  If you save your progress along the way you can select "yes" and come back later to complete the requirements if needed.
Select the Scholarships You Would Like to Apply For
Cardenas Market Scholarship - ($2,500 Award - $1,250 Fall and $1,250 Spring)
The Cardenas Markets Foundation scholarship supports students who have a relentless desire to achieve their dreams for a higher education and express a commitment to serve their community.
  • G.P.A. 3.0
  • Financial Need
  • Scholarship will be awarded to students with demonstrated studies or knowledge of Latinx/Hispanic culture, and/or history, that can be illustrated through submitted written materials as part of the application process.

Devon Stone Scholarship - ($2,500 Award - $1,250 Fall and $1,250 Spring)
This scholarship is in memory of Devon Stone, a member of the College of Southern Nevada's GEAR UP & Academic Advising. A dedicated community advocate whose passion for wellness inspired and motivated all who had a chance to work with him.  

Hites Family MGM Mirage Scholarship - ($8,000 Award - $2,000 a semester for 2 years)
This endowed scholarship was established by the Hites Family and MGM Mirage to support CSN students pursuing a four-year degree at another NSHE institution. This $8,000 scholarship per student is paid over four semesters to complete their bachelor’s degree. This is a transfer scholarship for students transferring out of CSN to a qualifying NSHE institution to earn their bachelors degree.
  • Must be transferring to a qualifying NSHE institution Fall 2025
  • G.P.A. 3.5
  • Minimum Enrollment - Full-time
Other Requirements:
  • Applicants must have accumulated a minimum of 50 semester hours at the time of transferring to a baccalaureate-degree granting institution- must provide Verification of enrollment at time of application.  
  • Scholarship will be distributed when the recipient has been accepted and enrolled as a full-time student in one of the NSHE institutions (Great Basin College, Nevada State College, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, University of Nevada, Reno) and pursuing their baccalaureate degree.
  • During the first and second years of the scholarship award, the student must be classified as a full-time student and must maintain that status throughout the semester to be eligible for renewal.
  • Students must maintain a 2.75 grade point average during the first semester of the first year and a 3.00 cumulative grade point average during each of the following semesters. 

John P. Keller Memorial Scholarship - ($2,500 Award - $1,250 Fall and $1,250 Spring)
John P. Keller (June 1974 - Feb 2022) was a commended US Army medic, and turned his love of helping the sick and injured into two degrees from CSN, graduating from the Vet Tech program, and then returning to become a Registered Nurse.  In all of his positions he was recognized for his calmness during a crisis, sense of duty, kindness to patients, and his professionalism. His hobbies included hiking, growing exotic plants, and photography.  He left money to his family and loved ones with the instruction to "do good" with it. We think he'd agree that helping people open doors in life through education is doing good with his legacy.
  • G.P.A. 2.0
  • Financial Need
  • Enrolled in: Veterinary Nursing, AAS (VETN-AAS, 74 total credits) Nursing: RN to BSN, BS (NURS-BS, 124 total credits)
  • Must be in good academic standing.

  • Scholarship award will be gifted during the second year of either program.
  • Cannot be on academic or financial probation. 

Ralph & Betty Engelstad SHS Limited Entry Program Scholarship - ($2,000 Award - $1,000 Fall and $1,000 Spring)
The Ralph & Betty Engelstad School of Health Sciences Limited Entry Scholarship is awarded to students in the limited entry program who demonstrates excellence in academics, and an ability to overcome traditional barriers to learning.


  • G.P.A. 2.8
  • Enrolled in: Cardiorespiratory Sciences, AAS [CARD-AAS, 81 Total Credits] Cardiorespiratory Sciences, BAS [CRS-BAS, 120 Total Credits] 
  • Dental Hygiene, AS [DH-AS, 88 Total Credits] Dental Hygiene, BS [DHY-BS, 123 Total Credits] Dental Hygiene: Education Specialist, BS [DHEDUS-BS, 120 Total Credits] Dental Hygiene: Public Health Specialist, BS [DHPHS-BS, 120 Total Credits] Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Cardiac/Vascular Ultrasound Track, AAS [SONCCARAAS, 92 Total Credits] Diagnostic Medical Sonography: General/Vascular Ultrasound Track, AAS [SONGVASAAS, 93 Total Credits] Health Information Technology, AAS [HIT-AAS, 67 Total Credits] Medical Laboratory Technician, AAS [MLTECH-AAS, 66 Total Credits] Medical Laboratory Scientist, BAS [MLS-BAS, 120 Total Credits] Nursing, AAS [NUR-AAS, 69 Total Credits] Nursing: LPN to RN, AAS [NURRN-AAS, 69 Total Credits] Veterinary Nursing, AAS [VETN-AAS, 74 Total Credits] Nursing: RN to BSN, BS [NURS-BS, 124 Total Credits] Ophthalmic Technology: Ophthalmic Dispensing Technician, AAS [OPHT-AAS, 68 Total Credits] Physical Therapist Assistant, AAS [PT-AAS, 72 Total Credits] Radiation Therapy Technology, AAS [RADTHR-AAS, 82 Total Credits] Surgical Technology, AAS [SURG-AAS, 64.5 Total Credits] Medical Coding, CA [MEDCOD-CT, 44 Total Credits] Medical Assisting, CA [MA-CT, 41 Credits] Practical Nursing – Military Medic/Corpsman to LPN, CA [PRNMMC-CT, 34 Total Credits] Practical Nursing, CA [PRN-CT, 36 Total Credits] Ophthalmic Technology: Ophthalmic Dispensing Technician, SC [COPHTD, 26 Total Credits]

Social Justice Scholarship - ($2,500 Award - $1,250 Fall and $1,250 Spring)
The College of Southern Nevada and the CSN Foundation are honoring those that have been impacted by social injustice, by awarding scholarships to degree seeking students enrolled in Social & Behavioral Programs.
  • GPA 3.0
  • Nevada or Out of State Resident
  • Financial Need
  • Minimum enrollment – Full-time
  • Anthropology, AA [ANTH-AA, 60 Total Credits] Applied Psychology: Mental Health Services, AAS [MHCSBHSAAS, 60 Total Credits] Economics, AA [ECONGE-AA, 60 Total Credits] Economics: Applied Financial Economics, AA [ECONAFE-AA, 60 Total Credits] Global Studies, AA [GLOB-AA, 60 Total Credits] History, AA [HIST-AA, 60 Total Credits] Political Science, AA [PSC-AA, 60 Total Credits] Psychology, AA [PSY-AA, 60 Total Credits] Sociology, AA [SOC-AA, 60 Total Credits] Women’s Studies, AA [WMST-AA, 60 Total Credits]

"Be the Best You" Rich Ebarb Memorial Scholarship ($5,500 Award - $2,750 Fall and $2,750 Spring)

This scholarship was created by Lindsay Ebarb in memory of her late husband, Richard "Rich" Ebarb. Rich loved the CSN baseball program and was an assistant coach back in 2003 when they were the national champion team. The CSN Baseball Coach and the selection committee will select one second year baseball athlete to be awarded a $5,500 academic year scholarship.
  • Recipient must be a returning second year CSN Baseball athlete.
  • Recipient will be assigned to wear jersey #9 (Rich’s jersey when he coached as CSN)
  • G.P.A. 2.5
  • Minimum Enrollment - Full-time
  • Nevada Resident
  • Must meet NJCAA standards
To be considered eligible for this scholarship, recipients must meet the above criteria and submit their CSNF Scholarship Application for the “Be the Best You” Rich Ebarb Memorial Scholarship.  Next, applicants will be evaluated based on criteria and a scoring rubric by the selection committee. Recipients will be selected based on their essay application, and scores collectively.

Vegas Chamber Prospectors Vocational Heroes Scholarship - ($2,500 Award - $1,250 Fall and $1,250 Spring)
The Vegas Chamber Prospectors is a volunteer council of the Vegas Chamber. They have created this scholarship to support an employee of a Vegas Chamber business seeking to complete a technical certification in their field of employment and/or advance their education and achieve an Associate's Degree.
  • GPA 3.0
  • Nevada Resident
  • Degree or Certificate Seeking 
  • Scholarship will be awarded to an employee of a Vegas Chamber business seeking to complete a technical certificate in their field of employment and or advance their education and achieve as Associates. Must show proof.

Edit section title
Template To Copy For New - ($x,xxx Award)
Description of scholarship goes here.
Other Requirements:
  • List if there are any - otherwise delete this text field.

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Scholarship Essay Portion - Required 
Before You Start
  • When writing your essay prompt response, it is our recommendation that you draft your responses using your preferred word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Appleworks, to assist in formatting and editing.  Then copy and paste your responses in the corresponding space upon completion.  

  • The Centers for Academic Success (CAS) provides quality DROP-IN academic assistance to all students enrolled in courses at CSN. If interested, CAS may be able to provide academic support when writing your essay response(s).  Check out their website for more information https://www.csn.edu/centers-academic-success.

  • If you are requesting a letter of recommendation, be sure to reach out to someone who can speak to your educational commitments.  This might include a professor, supervisor, coach or advisor.  Always be sure to give your requestor ample time to write your letter and return it in pdf. format.
No selection made
  • You did not select an scholarship to apply for.  
  • If this was by mistake, please go back and select a scholarship.  
Essay Prompts

As part of your application for the Cardenas Market Scholarship: Please attach 2 letters of recommendation from CSN faculty/staff. Must be in PDF format.

As part of your application for the Vegas Chamber Prospectors Vocational Heroes Scholarship: Student must be an employee, family member, or a dependent of a Vegas Chamber member.  Please provide the information requested.  This information will be shared and confirmed by a third party in order to verify your eligibility for the scholarship.  

As part of your application for the TEMPLATE: Please attach .

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For the applicant to be considered, this consent form must be submitted with the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) Foundation Scholarship Application (Application) and be signed by the student applicant.  

By submitting this Application and accepting below, I acknowledge and understand that:

  • My eligibility is based on meeting the specific scholarship criteria, completing the respective scholarship requirements, and completing the CSN Foundation Scholarship Application (“Application”) in its entirety.
  • The information I provided on the Application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • If an essay is required for this application, I confirm that all work submitted is entirely my own. I have not used artificial intelligence, copied and pasted from the internet, or simply paraphrased others' work.
  • If any falsification of information on my Application or use of work not my own may result in the immediate termination of my Application.
  • I give my permission for the information in my Application to be shared with the individuals associated with and employees of the CSN Foundation.
  • I authorize the CSN Foundation to request specific information from the CSN Financial Aid Office, CSN Institutional Research Office, and CSN Athletics Department related to my eligibility for the scholarship(s) in this Application. This shall include my basic directory information, grade point average, enrollment status, cumulative credits, award information, Nevada Residency, Financial Aid information, program of study, and other specific information necessary to demonstrate eligibility criteria for any given scholarship.
  • I am an admitted student at CSN and have the right to grant the authority set forth herein and have read and fully understand the terms of this release. By putting my signature on this document, I hereby certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.  I hereby grant permission and authorize CSN Foundation’s authorized representative to verify my student records for the purpose of this application.   

By declining below, I acknowledge and understand that:

  • I will be dropped from the Application process and will not move forward, therefore my Application will not be submitted for this academic year. 

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You are not done yet.  On the next page you will have an opportunity to review your work.  THEN you will submit your application by hitting the "Confirm" button at the bottom of the page. 

Please note, once you hit "Confirm" and submit your application, you cannot go back and edit or add materials.   All submissions are FINAL.

CSNF Scholarship Application "Confirm" button on the last page.