For the applicant to be
considered, this consent form must be submitted with the College of Southern
Nevada (CSN) Foundation Scholarship Application (Application) and be signed by
the student applicant.
By submitting this
Application and accepting below, I acknowledge and understand that:
- My
eligibility is based on meeting the specific scholarship criteria, completing
the respective scholarship requirements, and completing the CSN Foundation
Scholarship Application (“Application”) in its entirety.
- The
information I provided on the Application is true and correct to the best of my
- If
an essay is required for this application, I confirm that all work submitted is
entirely my own. I have not used artificial intelligence, copied and pasted
from the internet, or simply paraphrased others' work.
- If
any falsification of information on my Application or use of work not my own may
result in the immediate termination of my Application.
- I
give my permission for the information in my Application to be shared with the
individuals associated with and employees of the CSN Foundation.
- I authorize the CSN Foundation to request specific information from the CSN Financial
Aid Office, CSN Institutional Research Office, and CSN Athletics Department related
to my eligibility for the scholarship(s) in this Application. This shall
include my basic directory information, grade point average, enrollment status,
cumulative credits, award information, Nevada Residency, Financial Aid
information, program of study, and other specific information necessary to
demonstrate eligibility criteria for any given scholarship.
- I am an admitted student at CSN
and have the right to grant the authority set forth herein and have read and
fully understand the terms of this release. By putting my signature on this
document, I hereby certify that all statements made on this application are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby grant permission
and authorize CSN Foundation’s authorized representative to verify my student
records for the purpose of this application.
By declining below, I acknowledge and understand that:
- I will be dropped from the Application process and will not move forward, therefore my Application will not be submitted for this academic year.