Register for Oregon Humanities Facilitation Training
February 6 & 7, 2025 (In-Person in Portland, OR)
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Why Pronouns Matter
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Organization Name
Job Title
Training Details
What do you hope to learn from this training?
What do you imagine the information you learn will help you do?
We will be talking with each other, as well as looking at images, readings, and/or videos. What should we be aware of, as trainers, for you around accommodations?
Oregon Humanities will provide a light breakfast and lunch for both days of the training. We strive to make these meals accessible to a variety of diets including meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans as well as dairy free and/or gluten free by providing buffet style meals (granola bars, taco bars, etc) where you can choose what you add to your plate. As we order food for the group, what dietary
allergies or restrictions
do you have that we should be aware of? We will do our best to meet your needs within the parameters of buffet-style catering options available in the location of the training.
How did you hear about this training?
Payment Information
The full cost for our training is $549.
Registrants are invited to pay what you’re able, if full payment is not possible.
Payment, by credit card or e-check, is due now, at time of registration.
Are you able to pay any amount?