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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Windsor Leadership, Leadership Lab Event. Please complete all sections. If you have any difficulties completing this form please contact us at 01753 839734 or liz.ward@windsorleadership.org.uk

We ask for business and personal information to manage you through the process of attending the session and provide ongoing support. Read more about how and why we use your data here.


Personal Address


Please select as many Leadership Lab Workshops as you would like to attend.

Individual workshops are priced at £165 for alums and £195 for non-alums. A package of two workshops is £265 for alums, when both workshops are booked at the same time. Once your application has been accepted you will be sent a link to facilitate payment. Assisted bursary places are available for faith and not-for-profit leaders.


Please enter as - https://www.linkedin.com/in/




The information requested below is not shared with third parties, and will not affect your application in any way. It simply enables us to assess how diversity is changing amongst our leaders and we will report statistics within our End of Year report.

As a not-for-profit organisation it is crucial that Windsor Leadership cover any costs in the event of a participant cancellation. If at any stage a participant should need to withdraw from an event, Windsor Leadership will request a replacement from the organisation (who will need to have a similar level of experience and be approved by Windsor Leadership) otherwise the cancellation policy will apply.
Workshop Cancellation Policy
    - Workshop fees are non-refundable.
    - 28 days or more before the workshop you may transfer to an alternative online workshop at no additional cost.
    - 7 days or more before the workshop you may transfer to an alternative online workshop for an additional £75 charge.
    - Less than 7 days before the workshop, or in the event of a no-show, the full fee will be charged and no transfers are possible.

Click here to read the Windsor Leadership Privacy Policy