This Way ONward 2025 Information Session RSVP
10 weeks of paid job training: March 3 - May 15
Applicants must be 16 - 24 years old; or turn 16 by 5/30/2025
Competitive job opportunities at Old Navy
Complete this form and come to an information session to learn more
You must attend an information session to sign up for the program. We recommend you attend the earliest one you can, as the program fills up
Information sessions are in person and on Zoom. Please choose a date and time below.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Cell Phone Number
Please select...
If you chose Other for City, please enter your city below:
Best Way To Contact You (You May Choose More Than One)
How Did You Hear About This Way ONward? (You may choose more than one)
Referred by a teacher/counselor at school
At a school job/activity fair
Received flyer In mail
Referred by friend or family
Received phone call
Referred by another program
Instagram or Facebook ad
If you were referred by a friend or family member, please write in who referred you:
School name:
If you were referred by another program, please write in which program referred you:
If other, please let us know how you heard about This Way ONward below
Please select the information session you'd like to attend.
All in-person info sessions will take place at 119 Windsor St. in Cambridge at 4pm. If doing virtual, the zoom link will be emailed to you after you RSVP.
Please select...
Tuesday, February 11th, on Zoom @4pm (final one)
I am unable to make this time. Please contact me to arrange another time to meet.
Contact Information