2025/26 Main Grant Round - Small Grant Application Form

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Use this application form to apply for a grant valued at less than $15,000 in Geelong Community Foundation’s main grant round. If your application is for a grant valued greater than $15,000 please use the General Grant Application Form.
Name and Details of Applicant Organisation

Details of Auspice Organisation
If your organisation does not have DGR1 or TCC status you are required to have an auspice arrangement in place with an organisation that has DGR1 status. Please enter the details of this organisation below.
Auspice Organisation contact

Grant Contact Person
Please enter the contact details for the main contact for this grant application.
CEO Contact
Please enter the contact details for the CEO of your organisation.
Board/Committee Chair
Please enter the contact details for the Board/Committee Chair of your organisation.
About Your Organisation

The Activity

About Your Activity

Please enter dollar amount without $

Select the most appropriate.
Check as many as apply.
If you have a supporting document for example program logic, program flyer, powerpoint presentation that demonstrates your activity etc.  that you would like to provide please upload here. A maximum of one document can be uploaded.
Impact and Outcomes
Activity Budget
Please note that you do not need to include whole of organisation income and expenses. Only include the budget for the specific activity for which you are seeking funding.

Organisations registered for GST should provide their budget in GST-exclusive terms.Organisations not registered for GST should provide their budget in GST-inclusive terms.

In the Budget tab ensure that you include all income and expenditures related to the activity.

Income section: List all projected income, including all secured and potential funding. List each individual government and/or philanthropic grant and other sources of income or in- kind contributions separately.

Expenditure section: List all expenses related to the activity.
Organisational Governance
Previous Grant Funding

Permissions and Declaration

The Geelong Community Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that all information provided in relation to this grant application is kept confidential. During the assessment process however, the Foundation may need to collect, use and disclose information about your organisation and the activity to third parties. This information could be passed on to the Board of the Foundation, its officers and agents or external people to assist in assessing the grant application.
Adroit Business Insurance Risk Review
As you may be aware Adroit Insurance & Risk has been an important partner of the Geelong Community Foundation for over 10 years providing office space and operational support ensuring our administration costs can be kept to a minimum, maximising our grant contributions. Adroit has also pioneered their unique Major Capital Grant in partnership with the Foundation over the past 5 years. This grant has been a 'game changer' for a number of our region’s community organisations. The Foundation is grateful for the in-kind support provided by Adroit.

Adroit is offering a complimentary risk review of your insurance.
Acknowledgement of Grantmaking Process
Please note submission of a grant application does not guarantee funding. The 2025-26 Main Grant Round is an open-competitive process, with all applications reviewed and compared against each other.

The process adopted by the Geelong Community Foundation to review and assess Grant Applications is as follows:

  • A number of small grant applications will be allocated to the Schools in Philanthropy (SIP) Program for review and recommendation. Applications allocated to the SIP Program will be required to participate in an organisational visit with students from the participating schools. Organisations will be informed if their application has been allocated to the SIP Program in early March 2025.
  • Grant Applications are reviewed and assessed against the Foundation’s grants criteria and scoring matrix by the Program and Impact Manager and CEO. 
  • Applications are shortlisted by the Program and Impact Manager and CEO. 
  • Shortlisted Applications are reviewed by the Foundation’s Grants Committee. The Grants Committee is responsible for recommending the funding amount for each grant application. The Grants Committee will prioritise funding based on the need in the community and intended impact. 
  • The SIP Program reviews allocated Grant Applications and presents their recommendations to the Foundation’s Board at the SIP presentation event. 
  • Following the SIP presentation, the Grants Committee reviews the SIP funding recommendations and makes a funding recommendation to the Board for the Grant Round. 
  • The Foundation’s Board is responsible for reviewing and approving the funding recommendation from the Grants Committee. 
  • All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application in mid-May 2025. 
  • Feedback on applications is available if requested.

I am authorised by my organisation named in this application to make this application on its behalf. I confirm that my organisation agrees to the terms and conditions relating to grants of the Geelong Community Foundation detailed in the Grant Agreement. The application acknowledges that the Foundation is under no obligation to make a grant even though the application meets all guidelines and eligibility requirements.
Submission Checklist