Walking the Walk High School Application 2025

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
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Welcome! Thank you for your interest in applying for the Walking the Walk Youth Initiative, and congratulations on your nomination.

By registering for this program you agree to:
  • Attend 5 sessions of the program
  • Communicate and plan with a Group Leader outside of session
  • Host a session at the congregation your family calls home
This application will require you to gather some contact details from your parent(s) or guardian(s) as well as personal medical information.

If you need to save this application and return to it at a later time, please click the "Save my progress and resume later" box above, and enter your email address and a password when prompted. When you return to this form later, you will be able to continue your original application by clicking "Resume a previously saved form."

If you have any questions or issues with this form, please contact Sara Zebovitz at ssz@interfaithphiladelphia.org or (215) 222-1012 x5.
Student Contact Details

Questions About You

Parent/Guardian Contact Information (main contact)

Parent/Guardian Contact Information (secondary contact)

If parent/guardian cannot be reached:

Medical information
If the student has any condition that might require medication, accommodation and/or special attention, please detail the condition and explain any measures that are needed to provide proper care.

Please download and review the following documents before completing this form.

* Release And Waiver Of Liability And Indemnity Agreement

Interfaith Philadelphia requires a hand-written signature for our release form. Please print and sign the "Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement."  Download Waiver Form.

Program Fee


Interfaith Philadelphia
100 W. Oxford Street, Ste. E-1300
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Payment Information