Metro Theatre

The Beauty Queens + BNDT (Solo)


THE METRO SOCIAL | Wednesday 5 February, 2025 @ 6:45pm

The Beauty Queens make and play Atomic Catwalk Live!

The Beauty Queens are iOTA, BNDT (Timothy Powles) and Brad Majors (aka Andy Sharpe)

They haven't been in the same airspace for...... - longer than anyone can remember- a decade and a half ago the trio shared time, space, smokes and drinks in the bandit recording space for an intense fuzzy ten days, and birthed the so far unheard of, unreleased, unreal album Atomic Catwalk-  (this is the second album BNDT has worked on with iOTA, the other being the classic Beauty Queen of THe Sea)

Brad flies in from his Hawaiian home to assist with the final mix smear and smudge-  and re string his dust-ridden bass for the debut Live performance of this long gestated, awaited masterpiece!

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