Explore Mahloket Matters: Tailored Learning for Your Community

Mahloket Matters offerings include a range of intensity. For example, we offer 1-off sessions, a miniseries of 2-4 sessions, and full courses of 5-8 sessions. The content and pedagogy is tailored to meet the needs of the particular audience. Depending on the interest and needs of the specific group, we will structure the learning to address various combinations of the following questions in a variety of ways:

1. What do Jewish texts have to say about the value of multiple perspectives?

2. What distinguishes constructive disagreement from destructive disagreement?

3. How might good people have diametrically opposing views on moral issues?

4. What are the variables to consider when determining if, when, and how to engage in a  difficult conversation?

5. Might there be people or ideas with whom I should NOT engage?

6. How do I determine when to stand by my truths and when to compromise?

7. What are some examples of competing values within Jewish tradition that are reflected in specific contentious, contemporary conflicts?

8. What practical tools and skills can I learn in order to consider an issue from multiple perspectives and engage with those with whom I disagree?

9. How can I help foster a culture of constructive disagreement?

We have worked with lots of types of audiences either in-person or online:

  • synagogues

  • leaders of Jewish organizations

  • board members

  • Educators: day school administrators, day school teachers, religious school directors, religious school teachers

  • teens and college students

  • rabbis

  • Hillel professionals

  • lay leaders 

We look forward to learning with you!

Please submit this brief form if you are interested in discussing bringing Mahloket Matters to your community.

POB 8575, Jerusalem 9108402 Israel | T +972 2 673 5210 | F +972 2 673 5160 | info@pardes.org.il
228 Park Ave S Suite 35858 New York, New York 10003-1502 | T +1 212 447 4333 | F +1 212 447 4315 |