Black Family Wellness Healing Circles – Session 4

Black bodies deserve to be well and whole. Together, we can remember, reclaim, and reposition ourselves to claim our God-given right to wellness. 

Join us at Sabathani Community Center for monthly healing circles led by Carmen Lewis, Natalia Davis, Dee McIntosh, Dedra Slack, and other facilitators. These sessions offer culturally specific tools to heal as a collective and increase overall health and well-being. 

Session 4:  They not like Us. 
Celebrate our differences and reclaim tools for collective healing.

Saturday, April 5 – Black Family Healing Day
Sabathani Community Center, Dance Studio (LL Room 33)
Participant Details

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I grant the Sabathani Community Center (SCC) and anyone authorized by SCC to use my photographic images, video and audio with or without my name in SCC promotional materials.

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