Online Grant Application Form

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THE CURRENT ROUND OF GRANTS HAS NOW CLOSED. You cannot submit a grant application.

The next round of grants will open on Thursday 1st August 2024.

Please see our website for more details.

You may, however, scroll through this form to review the content, and/or save a Word document version to work on whilst the round is closed.

We recommend that you refresh your webpage browser to ensure that you are reviewing the most up-to-date content on our website. All webpages have been updated to reflect the new June 2023 grant policy.

Please read our NEW Application Guidelines and FAQs on our website before completing this form. You should also review the Trust's Privacy Policy.

Do not start to fill in this form until the grant round is open. Please refer to our website for exact dates. We operate two rounds of grants per year, and allow approximately 7 weeks per round for applications to be completed and submitted online.

Remember that each new grant application is treated as a 'stand alone' submission, so it should not be assumed that the Trust has previous knowledge of your charity and its services/projects.

You can scroll through this form to view all sections prior to completing. The form is divided into 6 Sections with the main content required in Sections 1-3:
  1. Organisation Details
  2. The Project/ Service provision
  3. Funding and Financial Details
  4. Authorisation
  5. Supporting Documents
  6. Application Submission
 You may complete the form in any order, with the exception of Section 6. As you enter details we recommend that you save your form regularly. You can save it at any time by pressing the Save button located at the top and bottom of each page.  Mandatory fields are marked by the red asterisk ‘*’.  These must be completed or you will not be able to submit your application.

We strongly recommend that you also save all form content in a document on your own computer
(e.g. as a Word document).
Section 1: Organisation Details

Please do not include ‘&’, '/'  or other symbols

Enter the first line of the address, e.g. Davidson House

Enter the second line of the address, e.g. 57 Queen Charlotte Street

Enter additional address building/street details (if any)

Main Contact
This person will be the main contact email address for the application assessment and all grant monitoring communications going forward.

Alternative Contact

Organisation Overview


Section 2: The Project/ Service provision

Please provide a brief executive summary of the specific project/service or core costs which the grant will help to fund, in no more than 50 words. This will be used in the papers to the Trustees:


 The Trust does not award funding retrospectively.

Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select more than one option. Your selected locations will be highlighted in blue. To de-select one location simply click on it again (without the Ctrl/ Shift key). To de-select all, click on the words ‘Please select’ at the top of the drop-down list.

Section 3: Funding and Financial Details

As part of the application procedure you must include a copy of the Project/service budget or Total Project Costs (TPC) in the Supporting Documents section at the end of this form. Alternatively, if you are seeking a grant towards core costs, you must attach your charity's forecast Total Expenditure (TE) for the duration the grant is to cover.


Please also complete the following questions:

Enter the total cost of the Project/service including all relevant delivery costs associated. For core costs, insert the Total Expenditure. In both cases, please ensure this figure reflects the 1,2 or 3 year period that the grant will contribute towards. Do not include commas or £ sign.  E.g. for £10,000 enter 10000

Enter the total grant amount that you are requesting. E.g. if you are seeking a grant of £8,000 over 2 years, please insert 8000 and select '2' in the Grant Term field below. Do not include commas or the £ sign. 

This field is calculated automatically. If the grant is towards the delivery of a project/service, please remember that the Trust will only award grants that equate to at least 10% of the TPC.

Select the number of years the grant will spread across from the drop-down list. 

Funding Sources
If you are applying for grants from other funding bodies, please list their names, grant amounts due/received and decision date if known/applicable. If the date is unknown please leave blank (do not add 'TBA').
Funding Organisation Amount Requested Amount Received Grant Decision Date

In Section 5 you will be asked to upload a copy of your most recent annual accounts – audited or independently examined and signed.

Please also complete the fields below with the figures from those accounts.  If the accounts date from more than 12 months before the date of application, you are required to submit draft annual accounts in Section 5.

Enter total income, e.g. for £10,000 enter 10000. Please remember that the Trust no longer offers grant funding to charities with an annual income of over £1m.

Enter the amount, e.g. for £10,000 enter 10000

The Trust defines Statutory Income/ funding as public money distributed by the government, through a variety of routes, usually in the form of grants or contracts. For some charities it may be via the local council or NHS for funding of specific services. Statutory income is usually a set amount each financial year.

Enter the amount, e.g. for £10,000 enter 10000

Section 4: Authorisation

Section 5: Supporting Documents

Before you commence with this section, we recommend that you save a copy of this application as it stands.

Please upload the following items relevant to your project/service or core costs. Use the Browse buttons listed below to find the correct documents on your computer. Those marked with an asterisk are mandatory. There is a total upload limit of 20MBDO NOT EXCEED THIS LIMIT as you will lose all form content when you submit the form.


a)   Governing Document (constitution, trust deed or memorandum and articles of association)

b) *Project/Service Budget (or Total Expenditure if grant towards core costs)

c) *Most recent Audited Accounts

d)  Annual Report

e)  Job Description (if grant is to cover a staff post)

       f)   Any other documents

If you wish to change any attached documents after uploading, please click the "Choose file/Browse" button again next to the attachment you wish to change. This will allow you to select a replacement file.

If you have sent a copy of your Governing Document with a previous grant application (in the past five years) and no changes have been made to it, you do not need to submit it again. Please ensure that you have listed the reference number or brief project description of that previous application in Section 1.

Your budget or expenditure spreadsheet should include all relevant expenditure and income for the period of the grant requested.

Your most recent audited accounts

Add the Job Description if the grant is to cover a Staff post

Your grant application will only be processed if all of the relevant documents have been attached.

Please remember not to include personal details - i.e. named individuals - in any of the supporting documents, unless it is a legal requirement to do so (e.g. Trustee names in Accounts), in line with the Trust's Privacy Policy and GDPR regulations.


If you experience any difficulties, please contact the Trust Manager at: marking the subject matter as ‘Supporting documents issue’.

Section 6: Application Submission

Please ensure that you are happy with the contents of this application form. 

You may scroll back through the form without losing any content or attachments.


Once you are entirely satisfied please click the Submit button below. This will open a review page where you will be able to read your entire application. We strongly suggest that you print a copy for your records.

You will then need to click on the CONFIRM button as a final action.

This will generate a response email, confirming the Trust's receipt of your online form and supporting documents. If you do not receive this automated email, please check the Junk folder of your email inbox. If there is still no email receipt, please contact the Trust Manager.

Once your application form has been fully submitted you will NOT be able to get back into the online form or resume a saved version of the form.