Community Connector Survey

***Please enter your info and we will reach out to you with assistance***

Who is eligible for Seattle Relief Fund?

If you are looking for assistance in locating an affordable rental property, you can fill out a request through our Housing Connector Application Portal 

1. You are over 18 years of age, AND
2. You, or someone in your household has been impacted by COVID-19 (job/income loss, etc.), AND
3. You, or Someone in your household:
A. Lives in Seattle City Limits, OR
B. Attends a Seattle Public School, OR
C. Is enrolled in a Seattle Promise program, OR
D. Are an artist or cultural worker who rents or owns a studio or rehearsal space within Seattle City Limits.
4. Your household income is less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for Seattle. (see below)

50 % AMI Chart

No "$" sign. Round to your best guess - "1500.00" or "1500" are both acceptable formats.

Please ensure your contact information above is correct. 
We will reach out to you to verify eligibility. 
We never ask for more than the bare minimum of documentation; we will allow self-attestation of income in cases where documentation is not available.