Silver Lining Mentoring Mentee Referral

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Silver Lining Mentoring matches DCF-involved youth with a one-to-one, screened and trained volunteer mentor. This volunteer commits to meeting with that young person for a few hours per month for at least one year.

This opportunity is specifically for youth 7+ and who are impacted by foster care/out-of-home experience, involved with DCF within the Greater Boston area, and eligible for 3 months of Family Network funding. If the youth is not involved in DCF or eligible for funding, please still complete the survey and a team member will contact you shortly.

Please note that Silver Lining mentors are a different resource than therapeutic mentors, as they do not participate in youth treatment plans nor work directly with the provider team.

This form is used to clarify questions surrounding mentee eligibility for the Silver Lining Mentoring Community Based Mentoring program. Please fill out the following questions to the best of your knowledge. This should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please don't hesitate to contact SLM staff using with any questions regarding this update.

Referrer Information - Page 2 of 7

Referred Youth Demographic Information - Page 3 of 7

Guardian/DCF Information - Page 4 of 7

If you described your relationship with young person as DCF Guardian/Case worker on Page 2 of the form, DCF work name and contact information has been recorded.

If you described yourself as DCF or Non-DCF Guardian on page 2, Guardian name and contact information has already been collected.

You have chosen that you are your own guardian on page 3 and are filling out this document for yourself. Your contact information has already been recorded.

Family Networks Funding - Page 5 of 7

SLM is a contracted provider of DCF with a daily rate of $39.14 for a minimum of 3 months upon being placed on our matching waitlist. Funding can be made through the Family Networks lead (completed through the Silver Lining Mentoring application). A member of SLM will follow-up with FamilyNet to confirm if funding is available.

If Known:

Youth Out-of-Home Experience - Page 6 of 7

Match & Technology Access - Page 7 of 7

We expect our matches to meet 1:1 and in the community. SLM is able to support virtual and hybrid mentoring if needed. Virtual mentoring includes mentees connecting with their mentor via phone and video chat roughly once a week. SLM is committed to working with matches to meet specific needs/accommodations.